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The Rise of Christianity. Do Now (U4D10) December 12, 2013 Please complete the Do Now: Rise of Christianity Homework: Read Chapter 6, Section 4. Complete.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rise of Christianity. Do Now (U4D10) December 12, 2013 Please complete the Do Now: Rise of Christianity Homework: Read Chapter 6, Section 4. Complete."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rise of Christianity

2 Do Now (U4D10) December 12, 2013 Please complete the Do Now: Rise of Christianity Homework: Read Chapter 6, Section 4. Complete questions 1,2,3,4, and 5

3 Pivotal Question 1 What are the key beliefs of Christianity?

4 Pivotal Question 2: How does the life of Jesus form a key belief in Christianity?

5 Jesus and His Message

6 Jesus and his message What we know about Jesus comes from the Gospel Born about 4 B.C. As a young man, worked as a carpenter Around 30, he began preaching to villagers near the Sea of Galilee To help with his mission, he recruited 12 followers called APOSTLES Chief among the apostles was PETER Jesus and his followers eventually travel to Jerusalem to spread his message

7 Jesus and his message Jesus’ teachings were rooted in Jewish tradition Jesus believed in one god Accepted the 10 Commandments Main message summarized at the SERMON ON THE MOUNT Jesus emphasized God’s love Love your neighbor “If anyone hits you on one check, let him hit the other cheek”

8 Some Jews welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem Others felt that Jesus challenged their authority Romans felt he was a revolutionary Jesus was arrested, condemned to death by crucifixion Gospel says Jesus arose from the dead Apostles saw and spoke with him Apostles said that Jesus commanded them to spread his teachings

9 Pivotal Question 3: How did Christianity spread after Jesus died on the cross?


11 Pivotal Question 4: What was the early Roman response to Christianity?

12 With a partner, develop a list of 5 possible responses to Paul or any other early Christian that was spreading the Gospel of Jesus.

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