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Welcome Track 3 7 th Grade Parents!. Who are your Track Three Teachers? Mrs. Bass Math Ms. Brown Language Arts Mr. Marion Science (Team Leader) Mrs. Huber-Jones.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Track 3 7 th Grade Parents!. Who are your Track Three Teachers? Mrs. Bass Math Ms. Brown Language Arts Mr. Marion Science (Team Leader) Mrs. Huber-Jones."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Track 3 7 th Grade Parents!

2 Who are your Track Three Teachers? Mrs. Bass Math Ms. Brown Language Arts Mr. Marion Science (Team Leader) Mrs. Huber-Jones Social Studies Mrs. Torrence –ICR, CA

3 Student-Led Conferences TBA First quarter interims will be given out at student- leds. Student-led conferences are a great way for parents to be involved with their child’s learning. It’s a time to talk about school in a school setting. You and your child meet in the DRMS Media Center and go over all grades with a “script”. Teachers circulate to answer questions. Your child must be present during the Student Led Conference, with all materials.

4 Website: Power Schools—students and parents may each have their own log in. Please fill out a form and return to us to get your password for Power Schools. Web Tools: Students will receive a letter regarding several online tools that we will be using with students this year. Students will have lots of opportunities to Create, Collaborate, and Communicate in constructive ways using technology. Technology

5 Parent-Teacher Communication Team Website: We update it by lunch every Monday Agenda- Feel free to write us notes in your child’s agenda. We will do the same. I prefer email. Phone calls- We are limited to phone use during planning (9-10:30), and immediately after school. E-mails—feel free to write us with any questions your child hasn’t been able to answer.

6 Teacher Emails Mrs. Ms. Brown Mrs. Huber-Jones Mr. Marion We check our email daily. If we have not responded within 24 hours, please feel free to send a follow-up email.

7 Grading Scale 90 – 100 A 80- 89 B 70 – 79 C 60 – 69 D Below 60 F


9 Ms. Brown

10 Homework: Will be assigned on a nightly basis. It is understood that DEAR/Independent reading is to be done nightly. Monday: Study Island Tuesday: Reading Comprehension Wednesday: Article of the Week Thursday: Enrichment activity/writing We will be reading: Non-fiction articles Short stories Novels Poetry

11 Independent Reading Log (IRL) –Your child should be asking for your signature as they finish a book. –Due twice a quarter (mid and final). Each is a separate grade. Article of Week –Non-fiction reading, assigned on Wednesday, due the following Wednesday. –2-paragraph response will include: Summary, Audience, Purpose, Opinion

12 Mrs. Bass

13 Seventh Grade Math has five main areas of concentration. 1.Number Operations 2. Measurement -Scientific notation-Area -Rational numbers-Volume -Integers-Surface Area -Proportions-Scale Drawings -Percents -Discounts 3. Geometry -Taxes -3D figures and -Square roots relationships -angles/coordinate planes

14 4. Algebra - Algebraic expressions -Equations -Inequalities -Linear equations 5. Graphing, Probability, Data Analysis -Histograms -Box and Whisker Plots -Circle graphs -Compare and contrast data -Central tendency -Statistics -Outliers

15 Binders/ Notebooks All classwork and homework goes in the notebook/binders. Designed to create & keep a portfolio of all student work for the year chronologically. There will be periodic, unannounced notebook/binder checks.

16 Mrs. Huber-Jones

17 The Social Studies curriculum focuses on World History (1450’s-Present) This includes: - The Renaissance - Age of Exploration - Age of Revolutions - Nation & Empires - WWI, & Interwar Years - WWII, & Post WWII - Modern Global Issues

18 Notebooks & Writing Assignments The majority of student work will be completed in their notebooks. –Graphic organizers –Primary source work –Maps –Etc. Writing assignments are given weekly. –Completed on paper or digitally –Feedback based on Common Core standards and curriculum based focus *Expect one home project per quarter

19 Mr. Marion

20 The Science curriculum focuses on life, earth, and physical sciences. Weather Genetics Human Body Systems Physics Cells/Protists Please check my website for updated Quiz/Test Correction policy and late work policy. (Rules, Routines, Procedures Tab)

21 Science All notes are on my website..PPT or Word. Quizzes will be on Fridays or Mondays. The majority of my handouts will be available on my website. Labs 1/week or 1/every other week. Cd for Textbook Absent - PLEASE see me the day you return. Progress- Grades updated weekly. Will call/email when we notice academic issues.

22 Questions?

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