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ACT Tips Guier Millikan Fall 2010. Time Students MUST average 7.5 minutes on the English passage and 9 minutes on the Reading passage Students must remember.

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Presentation on theme: "ACT Tips Guier Millikan Fall 2010. Time Students MUST average 7.5 minutes on the English passage and 9 minutes on the Reading passage Students must remember."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACT Tips Guier Millikan Fall 2010

2 Time Students MUST average 7.5 minutes on the English passage and 9 minutes on the Reading passage Students must remember this breakdown and be held to it continuously

3 On ACT day, wear a watch Even though you don’t typically wear one, you need to realize how much it would help you pace yourself

4 Helpful Tips for Students Answer every question—there is no penalty for guessing Wear a watch! Answer all easy questions first—go back to the hard ones Pay attention to subtle differences in answer choices Use the process of elimination

5 The Reading Test

6 The Facts On the actual ACT, the reading portion of the test is four passages with ten questions each You will have 35 minutes to complete this section The passages cover history, science, prose, and humanities

7 9 Minutes Per Passage

8 Skills Used Inference Reading comprehension Main idea Supporting details Vocabulary Generalizations Cause and effect relationships Sequence of events

9 Skills (cont.) What does it mean when they ask for the best answer? Make sure they understand what an inference is asking them to do Process of elimination with vocab is extremely helpful Read the passage —they cannot look for details if they don’t ANNOTATE the PASSAGE!

10 Annotation Students may write on the passages anywhere they like For this reason, I require two types of annotation: 1.Underline anything that sounds like a main idea sentence 2.Circle any words you don’t know Students may add other notations if they find they are helpful

11 ID the Verb Students need to look and see what specifically the verb is asking them to do in the question –Conclude, infer, compare, etc. –They need to think specifically about what that means once they identify it

12 The English Test

13 Basic Info The English test is divided into five passages, each with about 15 questions. 45 minutes for 75 questions This averages out to about 30 seconds per question However, some questions will be easier than others, allowing students to spend more time on the difficult ones A word, phrase, or sentence will be underlined and there will be four options for correcting it

14 7.5 Minutes Per Passage

15 English Test Skills Verbosity—the wrong answers are often wrong because they are too wordy The long, complicated, sophisticated- sounding answers are WRONG most of the time Students think if it sounds complicated and confusing that must mean it’s right You’ve got to learn it is the OPPOSITE

16 The shortest answer is not always, but often, right We want the clearest, most straightforward answer we can get No more, no less When in doubt, instead of wasting time, you should pick the shortest answer on the English test and move on Questions that are long and seem complicated are ones students will often just guess on- understand these are often quite easy

17 Skills cont. Redundancy—the test looks for students’ abilities to identify redundant information We want no more, no less information than we need to get the point across Tell them the answer should sound like someone would talk

18 Irrelevance—will also be tested on whether or not information is relevant exactly where it is placed While it might be relevant in paragraph 2, we don’t want it if we’re answering something about paragraph 5 This also gets into organization, which you will be questioned on, as well

19 Punctuation and Agreement More than anything, you will encounter subject/verb agreement, pronoun/antecedent agreement, verb tense, and punctuation questions Need to know to look for the subtle differences, like one answer choice offers a comma, one a semicolon, one a colon, and the last a period You will also get questions about apostrophes

20 Reading the Passages The questions can often be answered as they read—it’s just important that they have read everything that came BEFORE the question in the passage Also keep the voice of the passage in mind—this will determine answer choices if they are being asked about voice

21 Tricks of the Test Many times, an answer with a colon in it will not be correct The more commas in an answer choice, the more likely it is that it’s wrong OMIT is always the shortest answer choice (although that doesn’t mean it’s correct every time) If it sounds really complicated, it’s probably too complicated to be right

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