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By Sapphire, Brandon, and JT. The 1920’s was the decade of entertainment. Music The 1920’s were also known as the “Jazz age” The change in music was mostly.

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Presentation on theme: "By Sapphire, Brandon, and JT. The 1920’s was the decade of entertainment. Music The 1920’s were also known as the “Jazz age” The change in music was mostly."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Sapphire, Brandon, and JT

2 The 1920’s was the decade of entertainment. Music The 1920’s were also known as the “Jazz age” The change in music was mostly made by Louis Duke Ellington, formally known as Edward Kennedy Ellington. When Duke was young he began playing the piano, although he disliked it very much. At the age of 19 he was playing at school dances composing and writing his own music. “ Satchemo” Armstrong, who practiced his talents every day before and after school, and

3 Art was another form of entertainment. Thomas Hart Benton was known for his advancement of the regionalist style, painting mostly of small towns and rural America. He painted murals in many parts of the United States including a masterpiece called Modern America in New York City.

4 Cartoons of the 1920’s The Cartoons of the 1920’s were based on many political issues that were going on like the Treaty of Versailles. Most cartoonists aimed at humor but in reality the cartoons drawn at this time mostly had important messages to get a crossed. Cartoonist’s Jay Darling

5 Movies of the 1920’s The film industry really bloomed in the 1920’s. The first movies were filmed in New Jersey. Films in the 1920’s were in great demand, all silent still theaters were packed every night. One of the Greatest Comedians of all times was Charlie Chaplin. He was famous for his participation in comedic silent films.

6 Warner Bros. Pictures,incorporated in 1923 by the brothers Jack, Harry, Albert, and Sam. The studios first asset was Rin tin tin. Other studios which formed in the 1920s also was MGM (first named Metro-Goldwyn pictures), Columbia Pictures, and MCA( music corporation Of America.)

7 Mickey Mouse was also very famous in the 1920s Mickey Mouse became everyone’s favorite cartoon in the 1920s, when Walt came out with Steamboat willie. Actual footage Actual footage from the 1920s, called Mickey’s Follies.

8 Here is some advertisement for old silent movies, and silent actors. The Phantom of the Opera. The Mark of Zorro The Hunchback Of Notre Dame. Clara Bow Rudolph Valentino

9 Radios in the 1920s Radio broadcasting started in the 1920s, although only a few people Could actually hear the voices and music played. The people became radio crazy after the first broadcast. So much so That between roughly 1923 to 1930 almost 60% of families owned One. The crystal radios made it possible for the demand of peoples wants To be met because it was so easy to make. Magazines for young boys Actually encouraged them to make their own.

10 First Miss America Pageant in 1920 In September 1920, an Atlantic City Businessman staged a “Fall Frolic” to secure tourism past Labor Day. Critics such as Women’s clubs and religion groups disagreed with the female form being on display in public. It was not considered respectable behavior at that time but many people became entertainment by it.

11 Dances in the 1920s Swing dancing was become increasingly popular in the 1920s but not As popular as the charleston. People could do the Charleston as a Solo, with a partner, or a group. The Charleston was featured in the 1923 black musical, Runnin’ Wild and became even more popular after that.

12 Games of the 1920s Games started to get popular in the 1920s. Some popular Games were mahjong, ouija boards, and cross word puzzles.

13 Magazines of the 1920s Many magazines of the 1920s were aimed at women. It was the Merging of women and the home in a consumer society. Products like hosiery and make-up were marketed through Magazines as essential for the modern woman.

14 Newspapers of the 1920s The new tabloid newspapers of the 1920s, notably the New York Daily News, achieved large circulations by covering Crime, sports, and scandals.

15 Sports of the 1920s Several sports such as golf, which was unavailable to the middle- class became available. Making golf and many others such as baseball and football increasingly popular.

16 Books of the 1920s There were many different books in the 1920s as there is now. Although most books were made for the women and children. However books on motors and fixing things were becoming more Popular for men to read.Story books like Winnie the Pooh became popular in the 1920s.


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