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Appendicular Skeleton Pectoral and Pelvic Girdles Limbs 126 Bones.

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Presentation on theme: "Appendicular Skeleton Pectoral and Pelvic Girdles Limbs 126 Bones."— Presentation transcript:

1 Appendicular Skeleton Pectoral and Pelvic Girdles Limbs 126 Bones

2 Pectoral Girdle and Upper Limbs Shoulder Arm Forearm hand

3 Clavicle Bone 2. Clavicle Markings –Lateral End (Acromial) –Medial End (Sternal)

4 Scapula Bone: Scapula Markings: Acromion Coracoid Process –Glenoid Cavity –Superior Border –Medial Border –Lateral Border –Suprascapular Notch Right Anterior View

5 Right Posterior Aspect Bone: Scapula Markings: Acromion Coracoid Process –Glenoid Cavity –Superior Border –Medial Border –Lateral Border –Suprascapular Notch –Spine Right Posterior View

6 Upper Arm Bone: 3. Humerus Markings: –Head –Greater Tubercle –Deltoid Tuberosity –Lateral Epicondyle –Capitulum –Coronoid Fossa –Medial Epicondyle –Trochlea

7 Forearm Bones: Radius (Thumb side) Ulna (Pinky Side) Markings –Coronoid Process –Radial Tuberosity –Styloid Process of Radius –Styloid Process of Ulna

8 Hand Bones (General terms) Carpals Metacarpals Phalanges

9 Pelvic Girdle and Lower Limb Pelvic Girdle Thigh Lower Leg Foot

10 Pelvic Girdle Bones 1. Ilium 2. Ischium 3. Pubis Marking: Sacroiliac Joint Acetabulum Pubic Symphysis

11 Male / Female Comparison Female: Shallower, Lighter, Thinner Ilia flare laterally Sacrum shorter less curved Ischial spines shorter – outlet larger Pubic arch angle is greater than 90˚

12 Lower Limb Bones: 4. Femur 5. Patella 6. Fibula 7. Tibia

13 Lower Limb Markings: Femur: –Head –Neck –Greater Trochanter –Lesser Trochanter

14 Lower Limb Fibula Markings: Lateral Condyle Lateral Malleolus Tibia Markings: Medial Condyle Tibial Tuberosity Medial Malleolus

15 Bones of the Foot 8. Talus 9. Calcaneus Tarsals 10. Metatarsals 11. Phalanges

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