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Appendicular Skeleton

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1 Appendicular Skeleton
Ch. 8

2 Consists of: Shoulder (pectoral) Girdle Upper extremities
Pelvic Girdle Lower extremities

3 Shoulder Girdle Sternum + clavicle = sternoclavicular joint
Clavicle + scapula = acromioclavicular joint Scapula held in place by muscle only Upper limb attached to girdle at shoulder

4 Shoulder Girdle - Clavicle
S-shaped bone

5 Shoulder Girdle – posterior scapula
Acromion process Glenoid cavity Spine Coracoid process

6 Shoulder Girdle – anterior scapula

7 Upper Extremities 30 bones each Humerus, radius, ulna
Carpal bones in wrist Metacarpals in palm Phalanges in fingers

8 Humerus Head Greater tubercle Lesser tubercle Deltoid tuberosity
Lateral epicondyle Medial epicondyle Capitulum Trochlea

9 Radius and Ulna Radius Head Styloid process Radial tuberosity Ulna

10 Wrist and Hand Carpals Metacarpals phalanges

11 Carpals

12 Metacarpals and Phalanges

13 Pelvic Girdle

14 Pelvic Girdle Ilicac crest Anterior/superior iliac spine Acetabulum
Spine of ischium Obturator formaen Pubic symphysis

15 Female and Male Skeletons
larger and heavier larger articular surfaces larger muscle attachments Female pelvis wider & shallower larger pelvic inlet & outlet more space in true pelvis pubic arch >90 degrees Tortora & Grabowski 9/e 2000 JWS

16 Lower Extremities 30 bones each Femur Patella Tibia Fibula Tarsals
Metatarsals phalanges

17 Femur and Patella Head Greater trochanter Lesser trochanter
Lateral epicondyle Medial epicondyle

18 Tibia and Fibula Tibia Fibula Medial and larger Tibial tuberosity
Lateral condyle Medial condyle Medial malleolus Fibula Lateral and smaller Head Lateral mealleolus

19 Tarsals – Metatarsals - Phalanges
Calcaneus Talus Cuboid Navicular Cuneiforms

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