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Child psychiatry. Not fully developed being Not living alone Not complain.

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Presentation on theme: "Child psychiatry. Not fully developed being Not living alone Not complain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Child psychiatry

2 Not fully developed being Not living alone Not complain

3 Child psychiatry Presentation age,development sex situation look for family not come by self cannot verbalize

4 Child psychiatry Classification emotional disorders anxiety phobias depression,PTSD behavioral syndromes conduct disorders ADHD hyperkinetik child developemental specific reading writing pervasive;autism mental subnormality learning disability

5 Child psychiatry Mental subnormality Mild IQ 50-70 adequate self care and domestic activities Moderate IQ 35-40 need some supervision Sever IQ 20-35-need supervision in self-care epilepsy Profound close supervision

6 Child psychiatry Causes continuation of normal curve most mild cases multifactorial causation clear cause sever cases Chromosomal Genetic Injuries illnesses toxins etc

7 Child psychiatry Importance behavioral problems mental illness Management underlying condition don’t miss emotional problems behavioral measures

8 Child psychiatry Maternal deprivation; Bowlby Attachment figure Needs warmth stable relation Determine future relations Infancy - 4 years

9 Child psychiatry Causes separation death divorce illness lack of warmth

10 Child psychiatry Short term deprivation protest despair detachment readjustment, initial rejection,apprehensive clinging Long term deprivation Residential setting Broken home antisocial behavior poor cognitive development

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