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Maths Workshop
Reception maths
Practical activities both inside and out.
Maths Vocabulary The understanding and use of Mathematical vocabulary is very important in the Early Years Children should be able to use the vocabulary big, bigger than, larger than, smaller, the same size, longer, shorter, the same length, heavy, light, heavier, lighter, the same weight, balance, full, empty, half full, half empty, more, less, fewer, 1 more than, 1 less than, how many altogether?, how many more? add, subtract, take away, share, double, half.
Activities using vocabulary
Conversation about every day things. eg-Can you get more/less spoons out, how many more? Can you find me a smaller brick?, You have more cards I have less, cut the cake in half, fill the cup with water until it is full. Board and card games, -counting on, counting back, more or less counters. Making cakes, weighing, ball games –throwing higher, lower, lego – Do you need more longer or shorter bricks? How many more 8 size bricks do you need?
Number in EYFS Count objects accurately to 20, starting with 1-10
Compare amounts, identifying which set has more or less. Recognise numbers to 20 in order and randomly Order numbers to 20-eg ordering number cards or mats. Say which number is one or less than a given number within 20. Write numbers to 20. Find odd and even numbers using maths apparatus
Addition and subtraction
Use vocabulary involved in addition and subtraction Add and subtract 2 single digit numbers using practical apparatus Add and subtract 2 single digit numbers using a number line to count on or back Find the double or half an amount by using maths apparatus and objects.
Addition Learn some number facts. Doubles to 5+5 and then up to (If they are ready) Number bonds for 10 (all the pairs of numbers that go together to total 10) Using practical apparatus and then learning the facts. Learning number bonds for other numbers within 10 Record (Write addition and subtraction number sentences ) eg 4+6= 10
Solving Problems Practical Maths games and activities are set out for specific learning outcomes. Staff question the children to extend their mathematical thinking, understanding of concepts and ability to use mathematical vocabulary and explain what they are doing. Children are given simple problems that include doubling, halving and sharing objects between groups of people.
Shape, Space and Measures
Shape, Space and Measures.
Recognise, name and describe shapes Recognise and make repeating patterns Children need to be able to order objects by length before they measure the length of an object. Measure with nonstandard units eg-rods, cars, unifix cubes, feet. Children who are ready will go on to measure with centimetres. They will also have access to standard measures in their play. Weighing with nonstandard units using vocabulary in earlier slide. Capacity /water play using correct vocabulary
Year 0ne The new National Maths Curriculum was implemented in September 2014 into Year One and will be continued this year in Year 2 . It aims to consolidate, secure and extend children’s learning through using and applying rather than pushing them on to the curriculum for the next year group.
Children in Year one continue to use concrete objects such as numicon, bigbase and unifix. They also use number lines and pictorial representations (Drawing to help their working out.) For example, when doing multiplication they may use numicon first to show an array (show 6 sets of 5) then they may draw arrays showing sets of the same number.
Examples of pictorial representations.
Using apparatus for addition
Number count to and across 100, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number count, read and write numbers to 100 in numerals; count in multiples of twos, fives and tens given a number, identify one more and one less identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least. We also say ‘is the same as’ for equals. read and write numbers from 1 to 20 in numerals and words.
Calculation Read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+), subtraction (–) and equals (=) signs (reading and writing number sentences =10 ) Represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20 For example –All the pairs of numbers that total 10 or 12. Add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including zero Solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and missing number problems such as 9 = We also say ‘the same as’ for equals which helps with this sort of calculation. Both terms are used.
Strategies used Children learn to know which method they need to use to work out a calculation. Can I do it in my head? Do I need to do jottings? Do I need to use a number line? Do I need to use Maths apparatus?
Number lines Adding on a number line
Subtracting on a number line.
Solve problems involving multiplication and division
The children use objects to work out problems such as how many toys each child gets if 12 are shared between 4 children. There are 3 boxes with 3 cakes in each. How many cakes? Children also multiply by using repeated addition. For example = for 4x3 and by using arrays as seen earlier.
Arrays showing multiplication
Children also multiply on number lines showing it as repeated addition.
Geometry Children recognise name and describe 2d and 3d shapes.
Recognise and create repeating patterns (Making a sequence) Describe simple movement including turns using themselves or apparatus. Whole turn, half turn, quarter turn.-clockwise turns can be linked to a clock face when learning time.
Measures Sequencing events
Knowing days of the week, months of the year and seasons and being able to describe future events (in two years time I will be 7) Measure length, height, weight and capacity using non standard units and then beginning to use standard units.
Money and Time Money –Recognise the value of coins and notes. Give children coins to play with at home to count and play shops etc with. Time –o’clock, half past. You can teach children time at home by relating it to the times of things you do. For example when they get up, go to school, eat dinner, go out, watch a favourite programme.
Some more vocabulary Add, subtract, take away, multiply, times, lots of, share, divide, difference. (the difference between 2 numbers.) Look at resources
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