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Welcome to Year – 2016 Teaching Staff: Mr Bland, Miss Lawrence.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year – 2016 Teaching Staff: Mr Bland, Miss Lawrence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 3 2015 – 2016 Teaching Staff: Mr Bland, Miss Lawrence.
Co-Educators: Mrs Graham and Mrs Rogers.

2 Curriculum Overview

3 Weekly Timetable Assembly English Maths PE RE Topic French
Lesson Timetable /16 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9-9:30 Assembly -Library Reading/group activities. Reading /group activities. Lesson 1 9:30–10:30 Assembly English Spelling 10:30-10:45 BREAK 10:45-11:05 Reading/group activities Phonics/ Grammar Hammer Handwritng  Lesson 2 11:05-12:05 Maths Mental Maths 12:05-1:15 LUNCHTIME 1:15-1:30 (PPA) 4-a-day Lesson3 1:30-2:15 PE RE Topic 2:15-2:30 Lesson 4 2:30-3:20 Mark SPaG hmwk French

4 Home Learning Timetable KS2
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Spelling Monday Maths Grammar Rising Stars My Maths Tables and Number Bonds Sent home Reading 360 Comprehension Y4, Y5 & Y6 Verbal Comprehension Reading Y3 20 mins 15 minutes during the week to review/revise work done in Mental Maths 10 minutes personal reading, 5x per week, on a wide range of reading for enjoyment and information (not texts or books set from school) Monday Maths sent home weekly to share with parents

5 Home Learning Expectations
Y3 & Y4 HOME LEARNING RULES Always write the date and title at the top of your homework. Always write your answers in full sentences. Use a pencil to complete your Home Learning. Try to join all of your handwriting and take care with your presentation. Bring your completed Home Learning back to school two days after it has been given and put it in the Home Learning tray to be marked. Home Learning should take a maximum of 20 minutes. Ask one of your parents to check over and sign your Home Learning.

6 House Points System and Rewards
St. George 23rd April St. Andrew 30th November St. Patrick 17th March St. David 1st March House Points Table Points Achievement Certificates – Values, Handwriting and Presentation, Maths, English.

7 Trips and Highlights Liverpool Museum Guided tour of synagogue
Guided tour of Mosque Calderstones Park – Neolithic Rocks Bishop Eton Church Romans trip to Chester (potentially!) Pantomime Michael Rosen trip to the Philharmonic

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