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Montcalm Community College Engaging the Campus Sparking the College’s Interest in Achieving the Dream Dr. Robert Ferrentino (President) Robert Spohr (VPAA)

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Presentation on theme: "Montcalm Community College Engaging the Campus Sparking the College’s Interest in Achieving the Dream Dr. Robert Ferrentino (President) Robert Spohr (VPAA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Montcalm Community College Engaging the Campus Sparking the College’s Interest in Achieving the Dream Dr. Robert Ferrentino (President) Robert Spohr (VPAA)

2 We encountered a game called “The Finish Line” that was being developed. Showed how some students would be successful, and others would not.We encountered a game called “The Finish Line” that was being developed. Showed how some students would be successful, and others would not. –Based on life situations –Based on factors beyond students’ control First Achieving the Dream Conference

3 All faculty required to be thereAll faculty required to be there Closed the campus so all employees could attendClosed the campus so all employees could attend Since it was fall, and football was starting, our game simulated a football field with four students trying to achieve their “goal” (touchdown).Since it was fall, and football was starting, our game simulated a football field with four students trying to achieve their “goal” (touchdown). Faculty Professional Days

4 The Students Gary Harley Hog Hauck Lisa Hard-Times Herald

5 The Students (continued) Bob Sluff-off Ferrentino Brandy Twinkle Toes Bunting

6 Room set-up to look like a football field Each student starts at a different yard line, depending on his/her life situation and background. Starting the Game

7 . Faculty Read Plays Plays were on cards and developed for each of the students

8 Plays are life events that impact each students’ ability to succeed in college. Staff Read Plays

9 Even the Board of Trustees got involved Board Members Read Plays

10 Good plays resulted in gaining yards towards goal First Down!

11 Bad plays resulted in losing yards Loss of Yards!

12 The student with the best preparation and fortunate life events gets a touchdown! We Have a Winner!

13 Debriefed with a discussion of what the game meant, and what we can do to help students succeed What Does it Mean?

14 Everything linked to the new strategic plan roll-out Now the Linkage

15 Questions

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