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WAYNE COMMUNITY COLLEGE MUS 112-40 Introduction to Jazz Fall, 2015-2016 Tuesday/Thursday 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. SJAFB Library Bldg. Instructor Information Instructor:

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1 WAYNE COMMUNITY COLLEGE MUS 112-40 Introduction to Jazz Fall, 2015-2016 Tuesday/Thursday 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. SJAFB Library Bldg. Instructor Information Instructor: Dr. Joseph Hodges Telephone Numbers: (252) 523-9093 (H) (252) 527-8591 Ext 2379 (O) Office Hours: 8-9:30 a.m. E-Mail Address: FAX Number:(252) 527-9014

2 Course Description (CCL) This course introduces the origins and musical components of jazz and the contributions of its major artists. Emphasis is placed on the development of discriminating listening habits, as well as the investigation of the styles and structural forms of the jazz idiom. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate skills in listening and understanding this form of American music. This course has been approved for transfer under the CAA as a general education course in Humanities/Fine Arts.

3 College Institutional Learning Outcomes A graduate of Wayne Community College should be able to: Make effective oral presentations Compose effective written documents Analyze aspects of human culture, such as creative expressions or diverse social structures Apply appropriate mathematics to solve real-world problems Interpret or analyze natural phenomena using concepts and principles of the natural sciences Explain social phenomena or behaviors by applying concepts and principles of the social or behavioral sciences Use computer technology to achieve academic and work-related goals

4 Required Textbook(s) Jazz: Essential Listening Scott Deveaux and Gary Giddins W.W. Norton Publishers ISBN: 978-0-393-15646-1 Loose Leaf 3 hole punch edition (This edition includes CDs for listening as well as access to all online materials)

5 Course Requirements/Methods of Evaluation Chapter and Unit Quizzes and Tests, Graded Assignments, Listening Tests Examinations/Assessments40% of grade Classroom Participation40% of grade Homework Assignments 20% of grade Grading Policy/Criteria The following ten-point grading scale will be used by the department: A: 100-90 B: 89-80 C: 79-70 D: 69-60 F: 60-Below

6 Listening Tests This course revolves around listening. Each section requires you to listen to pieces from each unit. You will be tested on your recognition of music through listening tests. You will hear at least 60 seconds of each piece we have studied in each unit. You will have to identify the name of the piece, the composer and complete 3 questions about the elements used in the sample you heard. There is a time limit for each listening test.

7 Academic Integrity/Student Rights and Responsibilities See the following link for Student Rights and Responsibilities, which includes the Academic Integrity Policy: Any student caught violating the WCC Student Academic Integrity Policy (i.e., cheating, plagiarizing, or other dishonorable acts) in academic work is subject to disciplinary action.

8 Students with Disabilities WCC is committed to ensuring that students with disabilities have equal access to and participation in all programs of study. For further explanation, please note the Students with Disabilities section in the WCC General Catalog and Student Handbook at Students with disabilities can visit the Disabilities Services Counselor in Counseling Services, WLC 182, or call 919-739-6729. Non-Discriminatory Statement Wayne Community College is committed to a policy of providing educational opportunities to all students regardless of economic or social status, beliefs, sexual orientation, national origin, or physical or mental disability. WCC’s non-discriminatory statement may be found in the WCC General Catalog at

9 Attendance Student Responsibilities If a student misses a class it is their responsibility to find out what they missed during that class. Tardies ARE NOT ACCEPTED. If you are tardy to class, you will be counted absent for the day. Consider this course like your job: You would not show up late for work each day. In the same manner, PLAN AHEAD and make sure you get to class on time. LATE WORK IS NOT ACCEPTED. If you miss a quiz, test, or other graded activity, it CANNOT be made up. If you have extenuating circumstances, it is your responsibility to let the instructor know immediately. Communication is key!

10 Additional Information from the Instructor/Miscellaneous Cell phones, beepers, and walkie-talkies cause unnecessary disruption to the learning/ teaching process in the classroom, lab, or library setting. Out of courtesy to others, all systems of communication should be in quiet position during instructional, lab, or library time. If it is necessary to take a call during class, please step into the corridor and return to class after your call is completed. Wayne Community College is a tobacco-free and drug-free institution. Tobacco products and drugs are not to be utilized at any time while on any part of the college campus including but not limited to parking lots, walkways, stairwells, or inside buildings.

11 PART 1. MUSICAL ORIENTATION Information form Use of

12 Student Information Please use the QR Code below complete the information form or visit JUgyfsUj3InkGAXsRtkeQ/viewform?c=0&w=1

13 Musical Elements – Melody – Rhythm – Harmony

14 Instruments Trumpet Trombone Piano Drums Saxophone Clarinet Flute Oboe Bassoon F-Horn Voice

15 2. Jazz Form and Improvisation Bessie Smith, “Reckless Blues”Reckless Blues Louis Armstrong, “West End Blues”West End Blues Charlie Parker, “Now’s the Time”Now’s the Time Billie Holiday, “A Sailboat in the Moonlight”A Sailboat in the Moonlight Miles Davis, “So What”So What Free Bridge Quintet, “Midriff” and “The Pot Boiler”MidriffThe Pot Boiler

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