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Copyright TAHI Project, All right reserved1 IPv6 Certificaion Program Hiroshi MIYATA TAHI Project/IPv6 Promotion Council Certification WG

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1 Copyright TAHI Project, All right reserved1 IPv6 Certificaion Program Hiroshi MIYATA TAHI Project/IPv6 Promotion Council Certification WG

2 Copyright TAHI Project, All right reserved2 Contents Introduction of TAHI Project Certification Program

3 Copyright TAHI Project, All right reserved3 TAHI Project Start Oct. 1998 One of the working groups of WIDE Project Objectives –Research & Development IPv6 evaluation technology –Support IPv6 Developer in the quality side Fruits –Providing IPv6 Test Suite freely –Holding IPv6 Interoperability Test Event Working with IPv6 Promotion Council Certification Working Group

4 Copyright TAHI Project, All right reserved4 Activities TAHI Project Conformance Test Interoperability Test Conformance –Developing Conformance Test Suite Interoperability –Holding Test Event

5 Copyright TAHI Project, All right reserved5 TAHI Conformance Test Suite Exists tests –IPv6 Core Protocol –IPsec –MIP6(Since ID-13) Current working –“Plug & Play” and “Multihome” functionalities –IPv6 Certification Test Tool

6 Copyright TAHI Project, All right reserved6 Conformance Test Suite –Used in the World Wide Coverage RFC1933: Transition Mechanisms for IPv6 Hosts and Routers RFC1981: Path MTU Discovery for IP version 6 RFC2401: Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol RFC2402: IP Authentication Header RFC2403: The Use of HMAC-MD5-96 within ESP and AH RFC2404: The Use of HMAC-SHA-1-96 within ESP and AH RFC2405: The ESP DES-CBC Cipher Algorithm With Explicit IV RFC2406: IP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) RFC2410: The NULL Encryption Algorithm and Its Use With IPsec RFC2451: The ESP CBC-Mode Cipher Algorithms RFC2460: IPv6 Specification RFC2461: Neighbor Discovery for IP Version 6 (IPv6) RFC2462: IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration RFC2463: ICMPv6 for IPv6 Specification draft-ietf-mobileip-ipv6-19.txt: Mobility Support in IPv6 and more …..

7 Copyright TAHI Project, All right reserved7 Under Developing PnP Functionalities –Prefix Delegation Multihome Functionalities –Default Address Selection –Default Router Preference Mobile IPv6 –Current : ID-19 –In near future: ID-20 or ID-21

8 Copyright TAHI Project, All right reserved8 Test Event History TAHI Event 1st Spt. 1999 Tokyo 2nd Jul. 2000 Yokohama 3rd Jan. 2002 Yokohama 4th Jan. 2003 Makuhari Other Event (we participated as a tester) Connectathon 2000 Connectathon 2001 Connectathon 2002 Connectathon 2003 ETSI Bake-off 2001 (2nd Plugtests) ETSI 3rd Plugtests 2002 ETSI: the European Telecommunications Standards Institute

9 Copyright TAHI Project, All right reserved9 The 4th TAHI Interoperability Test Event Time –20-24 Jan. 2003 Venue –Makuhari Messe, Chiba, JAPAN Participants –35 Organizations –93 People

10 Copyright TAHI Project, All right reserved10 Major Interoperability Test Prefix Delegation Mobile IPv6 Basic Specification IPsec

11 Copyright TAHI Project, All right reserved11 Participants in 4th TAHI Test Event Access Co., Ltd. Agilent Technologies Japan,Ltd. Allied Telesis K.K. Chuo Electronics Co., Ltd. Chunghwa Telecom Co.,Ltd Cisco Systems, Inc. Cisco Systems, K.K. Elmic Systems,Inc. Nippon Ericsson K.K. Fujitsu Limited FUJITSU DEVICES INC. Hitachi Limited Hitachi Communication Technologies,Ltd Hewlett-Packard Company IBM Japan, Ltd. Internet Initiative Japan Inc. InternetNode Inc. IRISA Kame Project Keio University Kobe Steel, Ltd. Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. NEC Corporation NetTest Limited NTT Software Corporation Panasonic Communications Co.,Ltd Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology SHARP CORPORATION Toshiba Corporation Toshiba Information Systems Corporation The University of Tokyo USAGI Project Yokogawa Electric Corporation Others…..

12 Copyright TAHI Project, All right reserved12 IPv6 Certification Program

13 Copyright TAHI Project, All right reserved13 v6PC Organization

14 Copyright TAHI Project, All right reserved14 Certification WG(CWG) Objectives Short-term –Encourage vendor who develop IPv6 devices especially edge devices. Long-term –Improve the environment which comprehensive user, including Service Provider, can use IPv6 devices at ease. Target –IPv6 DEVICES and SERVICES in the WORLD

15 Copyright TAHI Project, All right reserved15 CWG Activities “UME (codename)” Program –Pragmatic –Promotion purpose “TAKE (codename)” Program –Practical –Supposing typical network

16 Copyright TAHI Project, All right reserved16 “UME” Program Promotion Purpose Simple Test for IPv6 Core Protocol Target –Host (Target of 1st Version) –Router (Supported from 2nd Version) –Services (Under Discussing) Development Test Tool Providing Test Tool for Free Providing “IPv6 Logo”

17 Copyright TAHI Project, All right reserved17 “TAKE” Program More Practical tests –Enough to use under typical environment –Not Only Core Protocol MIP6/SIP/etc…. Develop Profiles Develop Test Tools Sub working groups –IPv6 Core Protocol –Mobile IPv6 –SIP/VoIP

18 Copyright TAHI Project, All right reserved18 Mobile IPv6 Sub Working Group Start Nov. 2002 Currently Working for ID-19 We will move to Newer ID –ID-20 or ID-21 Member organizations –NTT –NTT Advanced Technology –Yasukawa Information Systems Corporation –Yokogawa Electric Corporation Over 500 Tests

19 Copyright TAHI Project, All right reserved19 Schedule Year‘02‘03 Month1112123456789101112 “UME” “TAKE” Core “TAKE” MIP6 “TAKE” SIP/VoIP Test Tool Ver. 1 Release Test Tool Ver. 1.1 Release Begin providing Logo Test Tool Ver. 1 Release Begin Discussion Test Profile Ver. 1 Release

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