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 Students will be able to identify the 6 main parts of a flower.  Students will be able to explain the 6 main parts of a flower.  Students will be.

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Presentation on theme: " Students will be able to identify the 6 main parts of a flower.  Students will be able to explain the 6 main parts of a flower.  Students will be."— Presentation transcript:


2  Students will be able to identify the 6 main parts of a flower.  Students will be able to explain the 6 main parts of a flower.  Students will be able to explain flesh fruit and dry fruits and know their examples

3  Exchange pollen  Achieve fertilization  Produce seeds


5  Sepals ◦ Green parts that cover and protect flower bud before it opens  Petals ◦ Are really leaves that are modified to attract insects for flower pollinations, the pretty part that we call flowers

6  Stamens ◦ Males flower parts that includes:  Filament ◦ Short stalk that holds up the anther  Anther ◦ A sac-like structure that contains pollen, the males sex cells

7  Pistil ◦ The female flower part that includes  Ovules ◦ The eggs or female sex cells that become seeds if fertilized  Ovary ◦ If fertilized becomes a fruit or seed coat  Style ◦ Holds up the stigma and connects it to the ovary  Stigma ◦ Sticky part on top of style where insects leave pollen

8  Complete Flowers ◦ Has sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils  Incomplete Flowers ◦ Lacks 1or more organs; sepals, petals, stamens, or pistil  Perfect Flowers ◦ Both stamen and pistil  Imperfect Flowers ◦ Has stamen or pistil

9  You and a partner will make a poster of complete, incomplete, perfect, and imperfect flowers  You need to the following: ◦ Cross section drawing of each flower and labeled  Male parts  Female parts  Petals  Sepals ◦ Find 5 examples of each flower ◦ Must have color and been seen from far away

10  Encloses the seeds of angiosperms  Protects the seed  Means of dispersal of the seed  Ripened, seed-bearing plant ovaries  Varied form, color, size, texture and number  Aids in identification

11 Fleshy Fruits  Fleshy Simple Fruits  Fleshy Aggregate Fruits  Fleshy Multiply Fruits

12  Soft pericarp that overs the stone  Berries ◦ Soft outside with soft insides  Hesperidiums ◦ Semi-hard outside and soft inside  Pepos ◦ Tough outside with soft inside  Drupes or Stones ◦ With a stone or pit inside  Pomes ◦ Soft outside with hard inside

13  Soft outside but looks like a cluster of berries  Polydrupes ◦ Clusters of berries

14  Compound independent flowers ◦ Figs ◦ Pineapples


16  You and a partner will make a poster of all 3 fleshy fruit types  You need to the following: ◦ Each type of fruit in the fleshy family ◦ Define each ◦ Find 5 examples of each ◦ Must have color and been seen from far away

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