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Civilization and Empire By Tom Girdler and Griffin Benton

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1 Civilization and Empire By Tom Girdler and Griffin Benton
Ancient Rome Civilization and Empire By Tom Girdler and Griffin Benton

2 Rome Civilization- Government
1. The Romans established a republican government 2. The Romans created a Governmental structure, consisting of Preticians and Plebeians.

3 Rome Civilization- Religion
1. The Romans were a Polytheistic Religion that believed in 100’s of Gods. 2. The Romans denied Christianity, then it became their main Religion in the future.

4 Rome Civilization- Written Language
1. The Romans adopted and adapted the Etruscan alphabet. 2.They engraved poetry and myths into bronze plaques.

5 Rome Civilization- The Arts
1. Roman sculptors became very skilled at creating life like portraits 2. The Romans combined Greek arts with there's to create Greco-Roman art, a style of life like paintings and sculptures.

6 Rome Civilization- Technology
1. The Romans adapted the arch and the Cuniculus 2. The Romans created chariots for sporting events. They also had the Gladiator Games.

7 Rome Civilization- Stable Food Supply
1. The Romans had a “fast food system” for the poor. The poor cooked on thermopolias. 2. Wealthy Romans had kitchens in their houses. Also, Wealthy Roman women or their slave shopped for food at markets.

8 Rome Civilization- Social Structure
1. The Roman social structure consisted of the wealthy Patricians, and the poor Plebeians. 2. Gladiators were slaves who took part in the Gladiator games.

9 Rome Empire- Did not start from scratch
The Roman Empire started out as a small Etruscan city founded by Romulus, a boy raised by a wolf. This city later became the birthplace of Rome’s first emperor and turned to the Roman Empire.

10 Rome Empire- Strong Army and Leader
They had an all powerful emperor with full military backup and rule. This included Caesar, Augustus, Constantine, and other Emperors.

11 Rome Empire- Developed Systems
The Romans created the dome and spread the use of the arch. They built bridges, dams, and had water systems in bath houses. They created the chariot and built stadiums such as the colluseum.

12 Rome Empire- Built roads
Many people like merchants and craftsman traded and or allowed trade of there merchandise, food, or arts. They had roads stretched over the empire and traded along the silk road.

13 Rome Empire- Established Religion
The Roman Religion was Polytheistic in its early years. They adapted Greek Gods, which later became the planet’s names. They later adopted Christianity after rejecting it for many years.

14 Rome Empire- Decline/Fall
The Emperor Constantine, took over Western Rome. Eastern Rome was taken over by the Byzantine Empire. Both of them fell to the Northern Han Barbarians.

15 Ancient Rome Summary Ancient Rome was both a civilization and an empire because it had the seven characteristics of a civilization and the six characteristics of an empire.

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