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SECTIONS 2.1-2.2 Objectives: Identify and research career possibilities Determine your financial needs as a way of estimating your salary requirements.

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Presentation on theme: "SECTIONS 2.1-2.2 Objectives: Identify and research career possibilities Determine your financial needs as a way of estimating your salary requirements."— Presentation transcript:

1 SECTIONS 2.1-2.2 Objectives: Identify and research career possibilities Determine your financial needs as a way of estimating your salary requirements Page 27 TAP Manual Career Research 2.1-1 FO&D

2 Career Development Process Assessing Your: Purpose – what drives you? Motivations Passion – what are you passionate about? Interests Hobbies Volunteer Involvement What Energizes You? What Strengths Do You Enjoy Using? Career Research 2.1-2

3 Career Development Process Assessing Your: Personality – who are you? What do you do for fun? Interpersonal Skills– how do you deal with difficult people? Will you like this position? Will the team like you? Emotional Control Career Research 2.1-3

4 Career Development Process Assessing Your: Performance – what do you bring to the table? Experience Skills Strengths Education Career Research 2.1-4

5 Career Development Process Career Exploration/Relationships Research & Create a Plan Research Career Opportunities Research Education Track Informational Interviews Set Goals Network Connections Individuals Organizations Social Groups Create Contingency Plans (A, B and C) Career Research 2.1-5

6 Career Exploration Department of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook O*NET (Job Data & Skill Search) TurboTAP Veterans’ Employment & Training Service Career Research 2.1-6

7 Eliminate or reduce non-asset debt Get on a budget; reduce expenses to match projected income before you leave Check your credit record: See your Financial Counselor for help Maximize contributions to 401(k), 403(b) plans at your next job Finance Keys in Transition Page 32 TAP Manual Financial Needs 2.2-1

8 Discharged under honorable conditions. States determine eligibility and benefit amounts. (need DD214 to apply). Usually payable every 2 weeks (duration of payments will vary) Active full-time job search required. Retirement pay usually offsets some or all of benefits payable; each state has its own rules. Long unemployment period can hurt your prospects of getting hired; do part-time work or school if you want a break. Unemployment Insurance Benefits Each state has its own regulations Financial Needs 2.2-2

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