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Today is the start of planning your future after high school. Post High Planning Juniors 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Today is the start of planning your future after high school. Post High Planning Juniors 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today is the start of planning your future after high school. Post High Planning Juniors 2011

2 T ARGET G OALS You will have a deeper understanding on how to set goals that will prepare you for life after high school. You will have an expanded knowledge on making a college list, finding money for college, and understanding the application process You will become aware of how to prepare for the ACT/SAT. You will have greater knowledge on the importance of Post-High Planning day.

3 I NTRODUCTION OF G UIDANCE S TAFF Counselors *Paula Wilson A-G *Kerri Stover H-N *Kim Elder O-V *Shirley Andrews D, K, W-Z Other Guidance Staff *Kathryn Sosa- Gifted Education *David Herrick- Lifeways *Marcia Geyer- Registrar *Jenny Dragoo- Records Secretary *Brenda Sinclair- Computer Sec./Receptionist

4 W HY IS IT IMPORTANT TO CONTINUE YOUR EDUCATION ? College Technical/Vocational Military Work Force

5 C HOOSING A C AREER T HINK ABOUT WHAT CAREERS INTEREST YOU. Career Cruising ASVAB – military career assessment Mapping Your Future Occupational Outlook Handbook Learn and Serve, WISE, or job exploration

6 H IGH S CHOOL P REPARATION Take advanced classes. Take classes in your area of interest. Take 4 years of math and science. Be involved! Take Learn and Serve and/or do community service. Meet with your counselor regularly to ensure that you are on the right track for post-high planning.

7 ACT/SAT P REPARATION ACT SAT *Some colleges require writing/subject tests *More practice tests=better score *Resister on-line *Juniors ready to test in Spring

8 ACT S PRING T EST D ATES Test Dates Registration Deadline *April 14, 2012 March 9, 2012 *June 9, 2012 May 4, 2012

9 SAT S PRING T EST D ATES Test Dates Registration Deadline May 5, 2012 April 6, 2012 June 2, 2012 May 8, 2012

10 S TUDY S ITES FOR THE ACT Books: Real ACT and Getting Into ACT (retired tests) There are many books in the Guidance Office with practice tests.

11 S TUDY S ITES FOR THE SAT There are many books in the Guidance Office with practice tests.

12 M Y GOALS AS THEY RELATE TO POST SECONDARY PLANNING Educational – career/major/program Personal – location/extracurricular/family Financial – how much do you want to spend

13 D EVELOP A LIST OF COLLEGES How many schools should I be looking into? May wish to check out 8 – 10 schools Clear admit Probable admit Reach admit Start gathering information on the schools listed above Narrow your choices by your goals – short list Plan to visit schools on your short list - summer Finalize school list – be ready to apply to schools senior year

14 A PPLYING TO POST - SECONDARY INSTITUTIONS Online versus paper applications South Dakota Common Application National Common Application What you will need to send: *Application/money *ACT/SAT scores *Transcripts *Possible – Essays and/or letters of recommendation (allow 2 weeks for letters of recommendation)

15 SD C OLLEGE A DMISSION R EQUIREMENTS English4 credits Math3 credits (Algebra 1 and above) Lab Science 3 credits Social Studies3 credits Ivy league and competitive colleges usually require at least the Distinguished Pathway (math, science and 2-4 credits of foreign language). Other states/colleges may have different requirements - it is your responsibility to know the requirements for the schools you are applying to.

16 S CHOLARSHIP / FINANCIAL O PPORTUNITIES FAFSA – Federal Application (grants, loan, work study) Web-sites – Colleges – general, major, extracurricular, need Stevens Listserv- Private Loans – parent/student Western Undergraduate Exchange Program – 13 states Reciprocity with Minnesota Military – ROTC, Academies, Reserve SD Opportunity Scholarship Dakota Corp Scholarship

17 F INANCIAL A ID N IGHT J ANUARY 5, 2012 Information on how to complete the FAFSA form. Will need W-2 information for FAFSA – complete taxes early Schools only have an allotted amount of Federal Aid. Try to submit completed FAFSA by as soon as possible after January 1. College Goal Sunday – free professional assistance filling out the FAFSA. * Western Dakota Tech *

18 SD O PPORTUNITY S CHOLARSHIP 3.0 GPA unweighted C or better on core subjects 24 ACT by date of graduation Distinguished Pathway Curriculum

19 D AKOTA C ORPS S CHOLARSHIP SD HS graduate 2.8 or higher GPA Minimum ACT of 24 Incoming freshman in critical need occupation Attend a SD institution Selective – limited number of scholarships Current critical need areas: Teaching and Health Care Professions

20 R AIDERSCORNER. COM Guidance Staff and Contact Information ACT/SAT Test Dates Stevens High School Profile Senior Planning Junior Planning College Visit Guide Scholarship Search Sites Essay Help On-Line Resources Career Cruising Information Stevens Listserv

21 E DUCATIONAL O PPORTUNITIES IN SD Pg. 27-32 Program Charts Pg. 34-35 Estimated Cost of Post-High Schools Pg. 36-39 Out of State Colleges Pg. 33 Military Education Benefits Pg. 41 State and Federal Financial Aid Pg. 42-47 Scholarships by Colleges Pg. 48-50 SD Hottest Careers Pg. 56 Planning Questions

22 P OST -H IGH P LANNING D AY October 20, 2011 at the Civic Center (East Lobby) Over 50 in-state and out-of-state post-secondary schools will be in attendance. Jr. and Sr. will be excused from 1 st and 2 nd period to attend. Please arrive by 8:30. Students must be back to Stevens by the start of 3 rd periods (10:20). “Blue Sheet” must be completed and returned before you leave the Civic Center. Parents are welcome. $500 scholarship drawings – if pre-register online

23 R EGISTER FOR P OST H IGH P LANNING D AY Register at: Print off bar code AND bring that sheet to Post High Planning Day program. Pre-registration enters you into a drawing for a $500 scholarship

24 S TEVENS S EMINAR Open to students and parents of grades 8 -12 December 1, 2011 from 5:30 – 8:00 There will be a free meal followed by presentations. Topics: scholarships, post-high planning, career exploration, student growth and development, college athletics, rigor of college, and more.

25 C OLLEGE AND C AREER C ENTER Computers for use in career and college planning, scholarship search, etc. College Handbooks, Two-Year Colleges Books of Majors Career Resource Materials Scholarship resource: Scholarship board and file Financial Aid Information Test Preparation Books School catalogs from all over the US and abroad

26 T HANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION If you have any questions or feel that your target goals have not been met, please make an appointment with your counselor. Have a great junior year!!! Ms. Wilson, Ms. Stover, Ms. Elder, and Ms. Andrews

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