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First Year FIPSE Project Overview eWriting: ESL Writing Success September 2002 – August 2005 Miami-Dade College Kendall Campus ESL/Foreign Languages Department.

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Presentation on theme: "First Year FIPSE Project Overview eWriting: ESL Writing Success September 2002 – August 2005 Miami-Dade College Kendall Campus ESL/Foreign Languages Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Year FIPSE Project Overview eWriting: ESL Writing Success September 2002 – August 2005 Miami-Dade College Kendall Campus ESL/Foreign Languages Department

2 Why MDC? Our student population Experience and expertise of ESL faculty Technologies available to us at the College Support from College Training and Development

3 Student Population MDC – the largest ESL program in the US 20% of all incoming students – begin in ESL 58% - need preparatory writing

4 Student Population at Kendall (cont.)

5 Kendall ESL Lab Curriculum College ready students at MDC campuses

6 eWriting Program Description Improve ESL Writing skills through a 6 level on-line writing lab  Low and high beginners – levels 1 & 2  Low and high intermediate – levels 3 & 4  Low and high advanced – levels 5 & 6

7 Outcomes 12 000 students from all campuses of MDCC will benefit from the eWriting lab course 5 000 students will enroll in the program by the end of the 3 year grant

8 Project Support Kennesaw State University (KSU) Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Hispanic Educational Telecommunications System (HETS) Hispanic Educational Telecommunications System (HETS) Plato Learning Feedback Technologies Miami-Dade College (MDC)

9 FIPSE Funding 3 year total FIPSE funding $ 498 833.00 Year 1 $171 452.00 Year 2 $ 175 241.00 Year 3 $ 151 960

10 First Year Goals & Steps in Project Development 1. Create faculty teams to develop content 2. Conduct technology training for faculty and project staff 3. Develop Content for levels 3, 4 & 5

11 Create Faculty Teams To Develop Content Level 3: Maria Fallon and Nancy Monterrubio Level 4: Marcia Cassidy and Janis Perez Level 5: Helen Roland and Paula Sanchez

12 Conduct Technology Training for Faculty and Project Staff  WebCT On-line Testing Workshop  BlueGLAS Training and Presentation  Macromedia Education Day  Design Your Own Spring Break Seminar  Flashlight On-line Survey Development  Critical Challenges in Critical Education: Copyright issues online  FrontPage Basics  Excel Basics

13 Conduct Technology Training for Faculty and Project Staff FIPSE Focus Group Workshop Presentation of Tools: Presentation of Tools: BlueGLAS Wimba Camtasia Impatica Impatica On Cue Toolbook Flashlight Hot Potatoes

14 Conduct Technology Training for Faculty and Project Staff

15 FIPSE Focus Group April 17, 2003 Group work

16 Re-Inventing the Learning Wheel

17 FIPSE Focus Group Workshop April 17, 2003 Pair Work

18 Develop Content for levels 3, 4 & 5  Outline eWriting competencies for levels 1– 6 based on college-wide, established grammar and writing competencies  Outline curriculum: Table of contents

19 Develop Content for Levels 3, 4 & 5 (cont.) Identify the LO as basic structural unit of the eWriting lab and its components What is an LO? Definition Samples

20 Develop Content for Levels 3, 4 & 5 LO Checklists Piloting Revision

21 Design On-Line LO’s  Produce model on-line LO’s addressing a variety of learning styles  Hire technology experts to work with teams

22 Second FIPSE Year Goals and Activities Train new faculty teams for levels 1, 2 & 6 Finish piloting and revision of levels 3,4 & 5 Develop and pilot on- line LO’s for levels 3,4 & 5 Develop content of levels 1,2 & 6 Pilot and review content for levels 1,2 & 6 Collect evaluation data Disseminate project


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