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Electrical Remote Control Working Group Progress Status As at June 2000.

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2 Electrical Remote Control Working Group Progress Status As at June 2000

3 Why was the group formed ? To determine Queensland mining industry compliance against know industry standards. During incident investigations into two recent occurrences it was determined consistency was not occurring between mines.

4 Main Working Party Lionel Smith Crinum Dave Slape Sth Blackwater Peter Kuhle Kestrel Kym Tynan Moura Greg Lyne DME Rockhampton

5 Outcomes / Objectives The review group restricted the scope to remote control mining equipment Prior to developing a generic audit tool for initial use on each mine site the working group accessed known guidelines and Australian Standards FOR MORE INFO... MDG5001 / MDG5001a MDG5002 AS4240

6 Methodology Each representative completed a basic compliance audit on equipment installed within the mine for which they worked. This was completed by using a standard audit tool that was written about the existing standard. (AS4240)

7 Involvement Once industry understood current status and direction to which we wanted to see the industry go, equipment manufacturers and radio systems suppliers were invited to contribute to the working group in order to achieve the outcome

8 Assistance from Paul Sullivan Oaky Creek No.1 Terry Rankin Oaky Creek No.1 Dave Caulton Newlands Owen Barry Southern Peter Herbert Nth Goonyella Dave Alcock DME Rockhampton James Nasser Joy Mining Parkhurst Eric De Zoeten VA Eimco Alan Chapman Monduran

9 Ownership To facilitate ownership, achieve consistency and efficiency one delegate volunteered from each underground mining company currently operating in Queensland. Those mines unable to attend are kept informed by receiving a copy of the minutes of the meetings.

10 Review of the reference material Following the review of the reference material is was agreed that : MDG5001 was to be shelved with the exception of PLC control, the points raised are covered by AS4240. Adopt MDG5002 as this document provides relevant guidance to be referenced when developing work procedures. To audit mine systems against AS4240 to gain an understanding of OEM and mine compliance.

11 What else is happening in industry ? In tandem with this working group, there are other groups working towards (John Chapman - Joy Mining, Chairing) Preparing software management guidelines in NSW (John Chapman - Joy Mining, Chairing) (Les Darwen facilitating) PLC program management (Les Darwen facilitating)

12 Mechanical Working Party (Dave Alcock facilitated) In tandem with this working group a mechanical working party completed the preparation of a generic isolation procedures for mechanical maintenance of continuous miners. This working party comprised industry, union and supplier representatives (Dave Alcock facilitated)

13 Service Bulletins Highlight any procedural differences During the whole process the group experienced difficulty in accessing OEM audit / service bulletins. One of the team members (Peter Kuhle) is representing the group to source this information.

14 Audit findings Survey completed on 9 machines working within the Bowen Basin 5 manufactures of machines 6 manufacturers of remote control systems




18 Where to From Here? 09/02/00Complete initial industry compliance review 17/04/00OEM’s involved – Limited representation Aug-00Once review is complete this group will : Develop an industry recognised standard if appropriate

19 Where to from here May-00 Present a paper at the Queensland Industry Electrical Safety Conference Aug-00 * Make representation to EL23 – Australian Standards Make representation to the NSW Inspectorate with a view to updating MDG series if needed. * Present a paper to Qld Mining Industry Health and Safety Conference.

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