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Employment Equalities Duties Joint Consultation Group 8 March 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Employment Equalities Duties Joint Consultation Group 8 March 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Employment Equalities Duties Joint Consultation Group 8 March 2013

2 By 30 th April 2013 the Council is required to publish; our equal pay statement our equal pay gap data on workforce gender segregation our employment qualities outcomes and progress on mainstreaming employment data and analysis Employment Equalities Duties – Specific Duties

3 Employment Equalities Duties – Equal Pay Gaps Combined Gap Full Time Gap Part Time Gap All employees+9.3%-12.6%+27.1% Non teaching employees+16.0%-4.9%+27.4% Teaching employees+5.6%-5.3%+11.9% All of Scotland-+13.9%*+35%* * Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (2012 Provisional Results) (All figures pending external verification)

4 Employment Equalities Duties – Data Trends Initial analysis of our workforce data has suggested the following themes; pay structures are robust and support equal pay significant workforce gender segregation in business support, personal care and technical and practical groups greater availability of part time and part year work in grades HC5 and below

5 Employment Equalities Duties – Workforce Gender Segregation

6 Employment Equalities Duties – Distribution of Part Time Work

7 Employment Equalities Duties – Outcome and Mainstreaming Increase the proportion of staff who feel they are treated fairly. Both in terms of employment and development opportunities, and more generally feelings of fair treatment in the workplace Reduce the gender pay gap where actions appropriate to an employer can be identified Eliminate barriers to recruitment and development that contribute to pay inequalities

8 Employment Equalities Duties – Next Steps Equal pay statement Report to FHR 4 April and publish by 30 April Equal pay gap Data of gender segregation Equalities outcomes Report to CPE 21 March and publish by 30 April Employment data Joint equal pay audit Invitation to joint working group to report back to JCG by 28 June

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