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TANZANIA Edward M. Joseph Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program 2009-10 Penn State University

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1 TANZANIA Edward M. Joseph Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program 2009-10 Penn State University

2 Outline  Location  Size and Population  Govern. and Politics  Climate  Culture  Economy  Infrastructure  Health  Education  Challenges & Opport.

3 Location

4 Size and Population  Covers 365,000 square miles  Plateaus and mountains ranging from 2952- 5905 ft. the highest being Kilimanjaro 19340 ft.  26 regions and 127 districts  Estimated Population is 41,048,532 (July 2009)  The population density is about 112 mi²  45% Christian, 45% Muslim and 10% others

5 Governance and Politics  Gained independence in 1961  Became a united republic in 1964  The Executive, Judiciary and The Legislature  President & MPs are elected by popular vote  The first multiparty elections were held in 1995  19 political parties participate in the election  5 parties are represented in the parliament  Opposition parties has 46 MPs

6 The Legislature

7 The Legislature cont…

8 Climate  Generally the climate is tropical  Temperature between 80.6 and 90°F  Some places have two rain seasons March- May and Nov.-January  June to October, is relatively cool and Dec. to March is hot

9 Culture  There are about 120 ethnic groups  Swahili is the national and official language.  Rice, Ugali (cornmeal porridge) and Banana are the major staple food  Dressing is predominantly western-style  Maasai is the only ethnic group that has retained their tradition  Traditional dance/songs, differ btn ethic groups





14 Economy  GDP growth rate is 7.1%  Agriculture contributes 40% of GDP, 85% of exports, and employs 80% of the work force  Production is limited to 4% of the land area  Mining industry contributes 3.2% of GDP  Tourism contribute to about 16% of GDP  5 game reserves >300 species of mammals  Inflation rate is 12.7% (Oct. 2009)  Exchange rate is $1 to 1300 Tanzania shilling

15 Tourist sites and favorite animals



18 Infrastructure  Only 2,296mi of 54,684mi of highway is paved  Total of 2,213mi of railway track  95% of electricity comes from hydro power  Telecommunication covers 80% of the total area  Per minute call is as low as $0.08/min  Public transports plays an important part to upcountry and within cities

19 Health  Appropriate medical facilities are limited to urban  Less than 20% covered with health insurance  Government subsidizes cost of medical care  The three most killer diseases are AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria  1.6 million people are living with HIV/AIDS  AIDS prevalent rate is 6.2%  Under 5 mortality rate is 11.6%

20 Education  Primary education covers 7 years  Secondary education is split into two  Higher ed. is offered at univ. and colleges  12 public and 21 private universities  11 non-university higher ed. Inst. offering to a bachelor degree  Career related post secondary institutions

21 Education cont…  Teachers’ colleges offer certificate and diploma  Vocational education institutions  Education budget is 19.8% of the total budget in 2006/7 and 3.9% of the GDP in 2004/5

22 Enrolment 2006

23 Higher Education-Enrolment 2006/7

24 Challenges and Opportunities Challenges  Poverty  Corruption  Local beliefs  Cultural practices  Child labor  Population Opportunities  Land  Physical resources  Peace and democracy


26 Questions?

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