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Evaluating Teachers Across Content Areas. School Accountability Growth.

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1 Evaluating Teachers Across Content Areas

2 School Accountability Growth

3 Better Evaluation of Teachers  In order to improve practice, teachers need feedback that is accurate, authentic, and actionable.  Accurate: Feedback precisely reflects the teacher’s practice in the classroom (not just during observation).  Authentic: Feedback recommends action that is consistent with established best practice.  Actionable: Feedback provides concrete examples of what teachers can do to improve.  The feedback that teachers receive should be specific to the content that the teacher delivers.

4 Standards 3 and 4  Standard 3 (Content Knowledge) and Standard 4 (Facilitate Learning) should be strongly related to student achievement and growth.  Standard 3 is the “what” and Standard 4 is the “how” of student learning.  While teacher behavior measured by Standard 4 could be uniform across subject areas, Standard 3 is highly variable across content domains.  How well do higher ratings on Standard 3 relate to student growth (as compared to ratings on Standard 4)?

5 Standards 3 and 4 (Math)  Value-Added Index Grades 6 and up

6 Standards 3 and 4 (ELA)  Value-Added Index Grades 6 and up

7 Principal Content Expertise  Value-Added Index Grades 6 and up

8 Conclusions  Differences in Standard 4 ratings (the how) in math are more predictive of student growth than differences in Standard 3 ratings (the what).  This doesn’t mean that content knowledge doesn’t matter, but that, on average, we aren’t measuring this aspect of teaching as well the facilitation of learning.  We cannot determine from these data whether the issue of evaluating math content knowledge is “skill” or “will”.  Our READY Principals meetings will focus on improving the observation and evaluation of mathematics instruction.

9 Questions and Comments Thomas Tomberlin 919-807-3440

10 Analysis of Student Work Principal Updates

11 ASW - Principal Role Approve the Teacher’s Schedule  Principal receives notification from TNL  Signature step in TNL looks exactly like signature steps in the evaluation platform.  Practice Schedule Validation  Approval window in January 2015  Final Schedule Validation  Late January - Early February 2015

12 ASW - Principal Role Approve Chosen Objectives  Approve objectives chosen by Teacher  Approval window opens in early February  No final deadline – can be done in the system at any time.  Guidance  Review objectives with the Teacher, and then approve in TNL system.  Strands and Standards Guidance Charts available on the ASW Wiki for each content area.

13 ASW - Resources ASW Wiki:  Implementation Timeline  Strands and Standards Guidance Charts  ASW Memos from NCDPI  Participation Requirements for ASW  List of Courses included in the ASW Process  Information on Standard 6 Waivers  Teacher Resources  FAQ

14 Questions and Comments Jennifer DeNeal 919-807-3288

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