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Глушенко Н.А. МБОУ СОШ № 24 г.Новороссийск I really like my s____l, and just want to say, That's where I spend, most of my d__. Countless act s, I get.

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Presentation on theme: "Глушенко Н.А. МБОУ СОШ № 24 г.Новороссийск I really like my s____l, and just want to say, That's where I spend, most of my d__. Countless act s, I get."— Presentation transcript:


2 Глушенко Н.А. МБОУ СОШ № 24 г.Новороссийск

3 I really like my s____l, and just want to say, That's where I spend, most of my d__. Countless act s, I get to do. For arts and cr____, I always use glue. During m___ class, I learn to add and subtract. ten times ten equals one hundred, that's an absolute fact. One of my favorite classes, is fun and called gym. I can nearly touch, that bas_____l rim. I also enjoy le____g, difficult words to spell. My ears are programmed, for that school b_ l. I really like my school, and just want to say, I'm always excited, for the very next day. My School choo ay ivitie afts ath ketbal arnin el

4 1. What subjects do you study at school? 2. What rooms are there at our school? 3. What do you do at English lessons? 4. What after-school activities are there at our school? Answer the questions:

5 Write down as many words as you can according to the word- “school”.


7 «Лесенка». P1: History P2: History and Art. P3: History, Art and Maths. P4: ……………………………………………..

8 Will! Help! Вспомогательный глагол Will приходит на помощь обычным глаголам, чтобы помочь им рассказать, что произойдёт в будущем. Future Simple

9 He will have a party. Расскажи, что произойдёт завтра. Не забудь пригласить на помощь глагол Will.

10 He will not dance. Рассказать о том, что не произойдёт глаголам помогает злая собачка по имени Not. Вести её за собой может только хозяин Will.


12 Следите глазами за снежинкой





17 1. 15949 2. 3. Список использованных источников

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