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Presentation on theme: " Student Achievement Partners – Who We Are 1 Who we are: SAP is a nonprofit organization founded by three of the contributing authors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Achievement Partners – Who We Are 1 Who we are: SAP is a nonprofit organization founded by three of the contributing authors of the Common Core State Standards Currently a team of approximately 30; office in NY and team members located throughout the country Funded by foundations: GE Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and The Helmsley Charitable Trust Our mission: Student Achievement Partners is devoted to accelerating student achievement by supporting effective and innovative implementation of the Common Core State Standards.

2 SAP Principles – How We Approach the Work W E HOLD NO INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Our goal is to create and disseminate high quality materials as widely as possible. All resources that we create are open source and available at no cost. We encourage states, districts, schools, and teachers to take our resources and make them their own. W E DO NOT COMPETE FOR STATE, DISTRICT OR FEDERAL CONTRACTS Ensuring that states and districts have excellent materials for teachers and students is a top priority. We do not compete for these contracts because we work with our partners to develop high quality RFPs that support the Core Standards. W E DO NOT ACCEPT MONEY FROM PUBLISHERS We work with states and districts to obtain the best materials for teachers and students. We are able to independently advise our partners because we have no financial interests with any publisher of education materials. Our independence is essential to our work. 2

3 Essential Actions for CCSS Implementation 3 For more information see: 1.Know the Shifts 2.Support aligned instructional practice 3.Focus professional development 4.Align materials 5.Align assessments 6.Involve the community

4 Tools to Support Essential Actions 4 For more information see: 1.Know the Shifts 2.Support aligned instructional practice 3.Focus professional development 4.Align materials 5.Align assessments 6.Involve the community

5 Align Materials & Assessments RESOURCE: Toolkit for Evaluating Alignment of Instructional and Assessment Materials Purpose: To catalyze the impact that the CCSS can have on student achievement by building and applying a common vision of CCSS aligned, high quality instructional and assessment materials What it is: Collaboration between Achieve, CCSSO and Student Achievement Partners A resource that brings together a set of interrelated, freely available tools for evaluating instructional and assessment materials for alignment to CCSS Tools provided directly support the expectations of the CCSS and are derived from or closely aligned with the Publishers’ Criteria for mathematics and English language arts/literacy Where to find it:

6 Types of Tools in the Toolkit Type of ToolUsed for Evaluating Instructional Materials Evaluation Tool (IMET) Comprehensive mathematics and English language arts or reading curricula in print and digital format. EQuIP Rubric for Lessons and Units Lesson plans and units of instruction in mathematics and English language arts/literacy. Assessment Evaluation Tool (AET) Assessments or sets of assessments and item banks for mathematics and English language arts/literacy, including interim/benchmark assessments, and classroom assessments designed to address a grade or course. Assessment Passage and Item Quality Criteria Checklist Assessment passages and assessment items or tasks. 6

7 Supporting Aligned Instructional Practice RESOURCE: CCSS Instructional Practice Guide Purpose: Designed to guide understanding of effective integration of the CCSS into instructional planning and practice by providing specific examples of what the CCSS look in regular planning and practice. What it is: A tool to support teachers in developing their practice, and to help coaches or other instructional leaders in supporting them to do so. For example, through observation and feedback, teacher self-reflection, teacher-to- teacher learning in PLCs, grade-level meetings or other collaborative structures. Guides exist for ELA/literacy (K-2, 3-5, 6-12, History/Social Studies, Science & Technical Subjects) and Mathematics (K-8, HS) Where to find it:

8 CCSS Instructional Practice Guides - Design Instructional Practice Guides Daily Lessons or Over the Course of the Year Core Actions Key Practices (numbered sections) Indicators Observable (lettered details under each Core Action) 8

9 Focus Professional Development RESOURCE: PD Flyer - TBD Purpose: Support purchases and developers of CCSS professional development/learning in allocating resources toward opportunities at are aligned with the CCSS. Is this useful?

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