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Challenges in Serious Computer Games adaptation in Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Challenges in Serious Computer Games adaptation in Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Challenges in Serious Computer Games adaptation in Learning

2 Overview: Diffusion of Innovation Five attributes can explain 49-87% of the variation in adaption of an innovation (Rogers, 2003): Relative advantage: How much is the innovation perceived as being better than what already exists. Compatibility: How well does the innovation match existing norms, values, needs, expectations and previous experiences? Complexity: How easy is the innovation to use and understand for users? Observability: How easy is it to observe the advantages achieved from adapting the innovation? Trialability: How easy is the innovation to try out and experiments with without going all in?

3 Relative advantage The most important attribute according to Rogers: Studies show motivation is high-scorer with 25% of all teachers adhering to that. Advantages very mix & diffuse. Perceived advantage low on teacher’s priority list

4 Compability Lots of challenges like lacking game skills, bad fit with educational system and limited capable of evaluating games. Values & beliefs Lots of negative discussion, seems to be wavering in some countries. Teacher role, transformation; need to change their role & habitus to harness game's potential. Previous ideas Games cover a broad spectrum of learning theory, praxis and didactics – some more in line with previous praxis. Actual needs GBL don't really solve top-priority issues like special needs and too little teacher time. Many games for non-core curriculum: demands much preparation time and put new demands on teacher.

5 Complexity Games are NOT necessarily complex but most teachers perceive them as such. Many games ARE complex: plug-ins, installation, drivers, different genres, interface etc. Seen as dangerous to engage with.

6 Observability In schools it difficult to observe each other and spread new knowledge. See consequences of the intervention.. could probably not be further away than in school.

7 Tryability Becoming easier to try out games. But still ‘costly’ with one class students on 'challenging' machinery. You are trying out a new format, not just new contents like in books/online resources.

8 Discussion Do teacher want better learning? Do teachers want more motivated students? A lot don’t..! Just teach the curriculum Use what they already know & use Not put in extensive over-time on ‘hype’ Don’t take chances on unreliable technology They simply want to fulfil their job requirements: GBL is often not solving teachers challenges = no adaptation.

9 Resources: Serious Games Interactive Corporate: Global Conflicts: Playing Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen CEO Serious Games Interactive

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