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1 English 1010 Writing Workshop Spring 2013 Meet twice a week M, Th (Sec.1a) Monday 4:10-6:00 (2-116) Thursday 4:10-6:00 (1-308) Austin Casey

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1 1 English 1010 Writing Workshop Spring 2013 Meet twice a week M, Th (Sec.1a) Monday 4:10-6:00 (2-116) Thursday 4:10-6:00 (1-308) E-mail: Austin Casey Phone: 134 3922 0499 Website: Office Hours: Wednesday 6-8, Thursday 10-12 (ICB319)

2 2 English 1010 Writing Workshop Spring 2013 Meet twice a week T, Th (Sec.1b) Tuesday 4:10-6:00 (2-105) Thursday 8:00-9:50 (2-215) E-mail: Austin Casey Phone: 134 3922 0499 Website: Office Hours: Wednesday 6-8, Thursday 10-12 (ICB319)

3 3 Today: HW Due: Essay: Rough draft (550-650 words) p.64-66 activity 1-4 all Handouts: Homework: Journal 1

4 Essay 1: Punctuation Remember: Heading is single space Essay is double space Title is centered Others are Aligned Left All are size 12, style Times New Roman

5 Essay 1: Punctuation Punctuation must be aligned left. So at the end of a sentence it will look like this. Not like this. Commas are also like this, not like this,

6 Supporting Evidence Review p.61-62

7 Activity: write thesis, supporting evidence 1. Some people say that education is a means to a secure job, while others believe education is a life long process. What is your point of view? *life long process = learn something because it is interesting 2. Some people think that computer games can be a benefit to children's learning. Others argue that games can produce more negative effects than positive ones on children's physical, intellectual, as well as psychological development. Which side do you support?

8 Review: Common Metaphors - Heat Boiling mad = very angry The netizens flamed Bill on the blog = said bad things about him James cooked Bill = yelled at him He knew that he was going to be toast when he faced his parents

9 Examples: 1. Jane was boiling mad when she discovered her boyfriend playing badminton with another girl. 2. A hobby of lonely or shy people is often to flame others on internet blogs. 3. The doctor cooked the trainee for making a critical mistake in the medical exam. 4. I'm going to be toast when my father finds out that I missed 2 Biology classes.

10 Activity – make a metaphor with the following word sets Car, refrigerator Tommy, pig Cindy, mule Bill, glass of water Chad, airplane

11 Activity – make a metaphor or simile with the following word sets Even though it was a burning hot day, my car was as cool as a refrigerator thanks to the new air conditioner. Tommy is as cute as a pig. Cindy is a mule when it comes to her studies, she won't even take a break to eat lunch until her homework is finished! Bill is as plain as a glass of water. (also pure, boring, dull, transparent) Chad was an airplane in track, gaining the gold medal in running.

12 Essay 1: Rough Draft Peer Reviews Use the rubric to grade the Essay Narrative or Descriptive: Narrative will not have all of the topic sentences or evidence. Just fill in what you can find.

13 Before the most important match of my life, I asked my martial arts mentor Mr. Gunthor some advice. He advocated me to "Go to see different kinds of fighters and accumulate more fighting experience." (Smith 2013) What he said really came true when I fought with my second opponent. The young boy first looked kind and was not the aggressive type which confused me and made me not want to hurt him. But after I kicked him down a few times, I gained confidence and began to win the match. Woks Cited: Smith, Peter. Personal interview. 20 Mar, 2013. Referencing for Essay 2

14 The Snows of Kilimanjaro - Hemingway A short story by Ernest Hemingway published in 1936. About the memories of a writer named Harry who is on safari in Africa. He has developed an infected wound from a thorn puncture, and lies awaiting his slow death. This loss of physical capability causes him to look inside himself—at his memories of the past years, and how little he has actually accomplished in his writing. He realizes that although he has seen and experienced many wonderful and astonishing things during his life, he had never made a record of the events.

15 The Snows of Kilimanjaro - Hemingway He also quarrels with the woman with him, blaming her for everything and forgetting to write what really matters to him, mostly his experiences among "interesting" people, not the predictable upper class crowd he has been with lately. Thus he dies. In a dream he sees a plane coming to get him and take him to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro as a hyena is heard from the distance. "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" is regarded as one of Hemingway's greatest works, holding its own alongside "A Farewell to Arms".

16 Activity Imagine you are on the mountain dying of a wound, what things will you regret about your life. What things would you like to tell your mates or your fellow mountaineers before you die. Use appropriate description with idioms, collocations, metaphors, dialogue (quotes) 100+ words

17 Onomatopoeia Onomatopoeia is the “popcorn” of the writing world. It means sound words. Onomatopoeia is a good tool for writers. It can help you describe sounds made by common objects, animals, or nature. Onomatopoeia can really make the writing come alive!

18 Our roller coaster car slowly crept up the steep track, Click-clack, click-clack. We climbed the steep hill, small laughter around, but some nervous anticipation. Slowly cresting to the top, our hands started to tremble, and our hearts sped up. Then, we finally went down! There was money and sun glasses falling out of our Pockets! Clickety-clack, clickety- clack, Faster than a rocket, Swoop round the sharp bend, Twisting in a loop, Scream like crazy, Sail down the valleys, Race up the hills, Nothing else can equal Roller coaster thrills. Clickety-clack, clickety-clack, Round the final bend, Why does every roller coaster Have…to…have…an…end?

19 Examples of onomatopoeia: crash, crunch, zing, zip, meow, munch, roar, rip, sizzle, crackle, splat, kerplunk, bang, clank, woof, thunk, hiss, whiz, oink, moo, pong, ping, bong, bing, sniff, snap, cough, achoo, dong, ding

20 Start off with a “BANG”! Onomatopoeia-The use of words whose sound makes you think of their meaning. Buzz Zip Slurp Snip Pop Ding Hiss Smack Gulp Crush Drip Creek Sizzle Snap

21 Sound Words Summary Onomatopoeia will bring to life an essay Onomatopoeia really helps the writer to explain something Onomatopoeia helps you think of the meaning of the sound Onomatopoeia describes sounds made by common objects, animals, or nature

22 22 TOEFL Writing Question 2: Independent Task Essay based on your own personal experience and ideas. Rang of topics – politics, health, economy, business, education, the environment, social issues 30 minutes, 300+ words long. Introduction Body: main part of the essay - should give your reasons with details that support your opinion. Conclusion: restate your view and summarize the reasons you gave to support it.

23 Activity: Make an Outline (Task 2: independent Task) p.41 is helpful. Some people think that the government should not spend so much money for the space program, and instead should spend the money in other key areas. However, others believe that excelling in space exploration is the key to promoting the government's international image and prestige as well as developing technology. Do you agree or disagree? Introduction (with hook) Thesis _______________________ Body Topic sentence 1 ( with evidence) Topic sentence 2 (with evidence Conclusion Summary

24 24 TOEFL: Useful Idioms 1. paint the town red = ? 2. kill two birds with one stone = ? 3. don't cry over spilled milk = ? 4. the early bird catches the worm = ? 5. butterflies in the stomach = ? 6. fish out of water = ? 7. give it a whirl = ? 8. tip of the iceberg = ? 9. black sheep = ? 10. bring home the bacon = ?

25 25 TOEFL: Useful Idioms 1. paint the town red = have an amazing night around town! 2. kill two birds with one stone = accomplish 2 things at once 3. don't cry over spilled milk = don't worry about a small thing 4. the early bird catches the worm = early person has advantage 5. butterflies in the stomach = nervous 6. fish out of water = in a new environment 7. give it a whirl = give it a try 8. tip of the iceberg = just a small part of the whole 9. black sheep = sb who is different than others in a group 10. bring home the bacon = the bread winner, provide for the family

26 26 Vocabulary Handout: target words

27 27 Peer Review Use the rubric, use p.175-176 Check for: The heading (single space, name, class section, professor, and date) The title (is it interesting?) Paragraph indentations (5 spaces for new paragraphs, or press Tab button) Spelling, grammar, double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman, 550-650 words Do they have introduction with thesis and hook? Do they have 3 paragraphs body, with 3 topic sentences? Do they have a conclusion with closing statement?

28 28 Peer Review p.175 Look at “Family Portrait” This is the first draft for “Family Portrait”. The peer review on the left, helps the writer to better develop her ideas. Reader's comments Do you think these are helpful? Most of them ask the writer to describe things better and in more detail

29 29 Peer Review What is their hook? Circle it. What is their thesis? Circle it. What are their topic sentences? Circle them. What is their topic? Write it. What is their opinion about the topic? Write it. Give them feedback! Help them to correct spelling, or make something more clear.

30 Journal 1 Do you prefer to shop online or at a real store? Write a short essay comparing and contrasting the experience of shopping at these two different kinds of stores. Use specific reasons and examples to illustrate the stores' similarities and differences. Write 250-300 words and make sure there is a thesis, introductory sentence, and concluding sentence

31 Journal 2 Choose a TOEFL Task 2 question and answer it. Remember choose a trend or a problem. Then use the format “what are your opinions on this” Follow the standard format, 300+ words, 4 paragraphs etc.

32 Journal 3: Bucket List A bucket list is a list of things you want to do in your life before you die. Although this is a creative writing assignment, you must still follow the correct structure as usual.

33 33 Essays: You will write 4 essays and make a portfolio. 1. Remembering an Event (550-650 words) Something that happened to you. An interesting event that you remember clearly. 2. Writing a Profile (550-650 words) You will describe something or someone. 3. Proposing a Solution (650-750 words) You will discuss a problem and explain how to fix it 4. Justifying an Evaluation (550-650 words) You will give evidence to support a decision. 5.Portfolio You will choose 5 journal entries to put in your portfolio. 6. Journal Entries These will be given by the instructor. They will cover various topics.

34 34 Course Schedule: Lesson ALesson B Week 3Essay 1: Profile Week 4Essay 1 First 100 words DuePeer Reviews Week 5Essay 1 Rough Draft Due (550+ words) Journal 1 Due Week 6 Essay 1 Final Draft Due (550+ words) Journal 2 Due

35 35 Homework: Journal 1

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