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Day 1 “The visual learner”

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Presentation on theme: "Day 1 “The visual learner”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 1 “The visual learner”

2 The visual learner: Is good at spelling but forgets names
Needs quiet study time Has to think awhile before understanding a lecture Is good at spelling Likes colors and fashion Dreams in color Understands/likes charts Is good with sign language

3 Learning suggestions for visual learners:
Make graphic organizers Take notes/make lists Color code words Use flashcards for studying Use highlighters, circle words, and underline

4 Best and worst test type for visual learners:
Diagramming, reading maps, essays, showing a process Worst test type Listen and respond tests

5 Assignment: Complete graphic organizer on information given to you by your teacher (Use color)

6 Auditory learners: Likes to read to self out loud
Is not afraid to speak out in class Likes oral reports Is good at explaining Remembers names Loves music Follows spoken directions well Enjoys acting Enjoys study groups

7 Auditory learners can learn best by:
Using word association to remember facts Recording lectures Watching video Repeating facts with eyes closed Participating in group discussions TIP: Study with a partner and underline key words or phrases in eye arresting colors

8 Best and worst test type:
Best -good at writing responses to lectures they have heard and oral exams Worst - Reading passages and writing about them

9 Day 2 Assignment: Get passage from your teacher, and underline key items that you think are important in color.

10 Tactile learners: Can’t sit still for long Studies with loud music on
Is not great at spelling Builds models Is fidgety during lectures Likes role playing

11 Tactile learners learn best by:
Studying in short blocks Studying with others Using flash cards to memorize

12 Best and worst test types:
worst- long tests and essays best- short definitions, fill-ins, multiple choice

13 Assignment Make flashcards (with index cards) on key words in the passage given to you by your teacher. Use color.

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