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2 Human Anatomy


4 The Skull 22 bones joined together by sutures
Cranial bones surround cranial cavity 8 bones Facial bones support teeth & form nasal cavity & orbit 14 bones



7 Neurocranium Viscerocranium The skull is divided into two parts:
Neurocranium- which forms a protective case or “vault” around the brain Viscerocranium- which forms the anterior part of the skull including the orbits, nasal cavities and upper/lower jaw bones Viscerocranium

8 Parietal coronal suture Frontal Occipital Temporal Sphenoid

9 Lacrimal Nasal Zygomatic Maxilla Inferior Nasal Conchae Mandible Vomer

10 Skull = Cranium + Mandible Facial skeleton (Viscerocranium) (14):
-Lacrimal (2)(اشکی) -Nasal (2)(بينی) -Maxillae (2)(فک بالا) -Zygomatic (2)(گونه ای) -Palatine (2)(کامی) -Inferior nasal conchae (2)(شاخک پايينی بينی) -Mandible (1)(فک پايين) -Vomer (1) (تيغه بينی) Neurocranium (8): -Frontal (پيشانی) -Parietal(2)(آهيانه) -Temporal (2)(گيجگاهی) -Occipital(پس سری) -Sphenoid(پروانه ای) -Ethmoid(پرويزنی) Calva, Calvarium Cranium ~Neurocranium

11 Frontal Bone Forms forehead and part of the roof of the cranium
Forms roof of the orbit Contains frontal sinus

12 Parietal Bone Forms cranial roof and part of its lateral walls
Bordered by 4 sutures coronal, sagittal, lambdoid and squamous Marked by temporal lines of temporalis muscle Temporal lines

13 Temporal Bone Forms lateral wall & part of floor of cranial cavity
squamous part zygomatic process mandibular fossa & TMJ tympanic part external auditory meatus styloid process mastoid part mastoid process mastoid notch digastric muscle

14 Petrous Portion of Temporal Bone
Forms part of cranial floor separates middle from posterior cranial fossa Houses middle and inner ear cavities

15 Openings in Temporal Bone


17 Occipital Bone Foramen magnum holds spinal cord occipital condyles

18 Sphenoid = پروانه ای = شب پره ای
Dr Namavar

19 Sphenoid Bone Lesser wing Greater wing Body of sphenoid
Medial and lateral pterygoid processes

20 Sphenoid Bone Body of the sphenoid Lesser wing
sella turcica contains deep pit (hypophyseal fossa) houses pituitary gland Lesser wing optic foramen contains optic nerve & ophthalmic a.

21 Sphenoid Bone Sphenoid sinus


23 Ethmoid Bone Between the orbital cavities
Forms lateral walls and roof of nasal cavity Cribriform plate & crista galli Ethmoid air cells form ethmoid sinus Perpendicular plate forms part of nasal septum Concha or turbinates on lateral wall


25 Ethmoid Bone Superior & middle concha
Perpendicular plate of nasal septum

26 Maxillary Bones Forms upper jaw Forms inferomedial wall of orbit
alveolar processes are bony points between teeth alveolar sockets hold teeth Forms inferomedial wall of orbit infraorbital foramen Forms anterior 2/3’s of hard palate incisive foramen cleft palate

27 Locations of Paranasal Sinuses
Frontal Ethmoid Maxillary Sphenoid Maxillary sinus fills maxillae bone Other bones containing sinuses are frontal, ethmoid & sphenoid.

28 Paranasal Sinuses Functions of paranasal sinuses Lighten the skull
Give resonance and amplification to voice Figure 5.10 Slide 5.25b Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings


30 Palatine Bones L-shaped bone Posterior 1/3 of the hard palate
Part of lateral nasal wall Part of the orbital floor

31 Zygomatic Bones Forms angles of the cheekbones and part of lateral orbital wall Zygomatic arch is formed from zygomatic bone and zygomatic process of temporal bone

32 Lacrimal Bones Form part of medial wall of each orbit
Lacrimal fossa houses lacrimal sac in life

33 Nasal Bones Forms bridge of nose and supports cartilages of nose
Often fractured by blow to the nose

34 Inferior Nasal Conchae
A separate bone

35 Vomer Inferior half of the nasal septum
Supports cartilage of nasal septum

36 Mandible Only bone of the skull that can move Holds the lower teeth
jaw joint formed between mandibular fossa of temporal bone & condyloid process Holds the lower teeth Attachment of muscles of mastication temporalis muscle onto coronoid process masseter muscle onto angle of mandible Mandibular foramen Mental foramen


38 Bones Associated With the Skull
Auditory ossicles malleus incus stapes Hyoid bone suspended from styloid process of skull by stylohyoid muscle and ligament greater & lesser cornua

39 Major Skull Cavities Cranial cavity holds brain
Orbit contains eyeball & extraocular muscles Ethmoid sinus Nasal cavity Maxillary sinus Oral cavity

40 Cranial Fossa 3 basins that comprise the cranial floor or base
Anterior cranial fossa Middle cranial fossa Posterior cranial fossa

41 The Skull in Infancy & Childhood
Spaces between unfused skull bones called fontanelles filled with fibrous membrane allow shifting of bones during birth & growth of brain in infancy 2 frontalle bones fuse by age six metopic suture

42 Cranial Nerves I = Olfactory: بويايی II = Optic: بينايی
III = Oculomotor: محرکه چشم IV = Trochlear: قرقره ای V = Trigeminal: سه قلوOphthalmic,Maxillary, Mandibular VI = Abducent: اشتياقی VII = Facial: صورتی، چهره ای VIII = Cochleovestibular: حلزونی-دهليزی، شنوايی-تعادلی IX = Glossopharyngeal: زبانی-حلقی X = Vagus: واگ، مبهم، ريوی-معدی XI = Spinal accessory: فرعی نخاعی XII = Hypoglossal: زيرزبانی

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