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Ray Francis C. Labra Medical Physics Student De La Salle University The Human Brain.

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Presentation on theme: "Ray Francis C. Labra Medical Physics Student De La Salle University The Human Brain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ray Francis C. Labra Medical Physics Student De La Salle University The Human Brain

2 Definitions n Brain = the control center of movement n Cranium = part of the skull that directly covers the brain n Menininges = the three protective membranes between the brain and the cranium

3 Definitions continued n Dura mater = outermost membrane; it is the toughest and thickest n Arachnoid = the middle layer n pia mater = inner most layer, consists mainly of small blood vessels and follows the contours of the brains surface

4 Definitions continued n Cerebrospinal fluid = bathes the entire brain and fills the ventricles, protects the inner parts of the brain from varying pressures and transports chemical substances around the system n ventricles = a series of four cavities near the brains center

5 Definitions continued n Each hemisphere of the brain is restricted to a certain intellectual function. The left hemisphere is dominant in most people

6 Function of the Brain

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