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SLO: Apply previously learned technique to life cultures Ex. 3: Staining Techniques - Gram Stain, part 2 (Live Cultures)

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Presentation on theme: "SLO: Apply previously learned technique to life cultures Ex. 3: Staining Techniques - Gram Stain, part 2 (Live Cultures)"— Presentation transcript:

1 SLO: Apply previously learned technique to life cultures Ex. 3: Staining Techniques - Gram Stain, part 2 (Live Cultures)

2 How to label a slide Circles on back Other info on front

3 “Little Finger Technique”



6 Smear Preparation From Liquid Medium Suspend bacterial sediment in culture tube by gently tapping on it. Transfer one loopful of the bacterial suspension to slide and spread out (You may exceed the limits of the circle) Air-dry and heat-fix From Solid Medium Transfer one loopful of H 2 O into circle area of slide. Using loop, suspend very small quantity of colony of interest in that drop of water and spread the suspension evenly. It should only appear slightly milky. Do NOT use too many bacteria Air-dry and heat-fix

7 Gram Stain Review

8 cheek cell in the center covered by various microorganisms present in dental plaque

9 Artifacts Precipitated crystal violet stain may resemble cocci. Clues: dense clumping, small size of the gram-positive dots. Paucity of organisms elsewhere in the field.

10 Examples of Gram Stains



13 Gram Stain of Urine


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