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WHO SAID LIFE WAS FAIR?? Is There Any Rational Explanation As To Why Bad Things Happen To Good People? Ecclesiastes 8:10-14, 9:1-2, 11-12 Ecclesiastes.

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2 WHO SAID LIFE WAS FAIR?? Is There Any Rational Explanation As To Why Bad Things Happen To Good People? Ecclesiastes 8:10-14, 9:1-2, 11-12 Ecclesiastes 2:12-17 We Live in A “Broken” World 2Corinthians 11:23-27, 12:6-10 There Is No Escape… At Some Point Bad Things Will Happen To All Of Us

3 Many Think Life Promised Them A Rose Garden One Needs To Remember Rose Bushes Have Thorns As Well As Flowers There Will Be Days Of “Darkness” Ecclesiastes 11:7-8 Job 5:7, 14:1,22 Psalms 32:3-4 We Can Bring About Suffering From Our Own Sins Law Of Consequences: Intended & Unintended Is It Possible To Find A Positive In Something Negative? “casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you”

4 JOB “Why Me?” HE SUFFERED: Loss of family; Possessions; Reputation/Mocked; Physical Health MENTAL STATE: Wished he was never born; Thought life unjust; Severely depressed COMFORTED: By God Learned patience in suffering. Complete trust in God’s wisdom though we may not understand ourselves HE SUFFERED: Death threat against him; Forced into hiding MENTAL STATE: Extreme depression; Sought death; Loneliness COMFORTED: Attend to physical health; Direct to get busy; Misconceptions corrected Learned he was not alone. God will not forsake His people ELIJAH “Take My Life”

5 DAVID “My Body Wasted Away” HE SUFFERED: Guilt, which led to a cover up and a death MENTAL STATE: An emotional and physical wreck. Extreme depression COMFORTED: Reproved, then repented of sins. Granted forgiveness Learned God is abundant in mercy and forgives those who truly mourn over their sins SUFFERED: Physical afflictions; Threats of violence; Imprisonment; Burden of concern for church MENTAL STATE: Fear; Conflicts on every side; Anxiety COMFORTED: News of problem resolved Learned God provides abundant comfort for those who love Him and seek to do His will PAUL “Daily Pressure Upon Me”

6 SUFFERING CAN COME FROM EXTERNAL & INTERNAL FORCES Galatians 5:19-21 Proverbs 26:28 Suffering from sinful behavior of others Proverbs 8:36, 11:19,31 Suffering from own sinful behavior Acts 11:28 Philippians 2:25-27 Suffering from natural law Trial Under Pressure: Part Of The Human Experience Sometimes Things Just Happen: Luke 13:2-5

7 There Will Be “Those Days” Matthew 6:34 Live Only One Day At A Time Prepare & Learn To Handle Difficult Life Situations Matt. 11:28-30 Really Trust God Psalms 46:1, 55:22 Learn To REALLY Pray Luke 11:1 1Peter 5:7 Develop Inner Calm & Christian Friendships GET A FIRM HANDLE/GRIP DON’T GIVE IN TO “DRAMA”

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