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SWARM workload allocation Wednesday 13 th May 2015 Professor Nick Talbot FRS Deputy Vice- Chancellor for Research.

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Presentation on theme: "SWARM workload allocation Wednesday 13 th May 2015 Professor Nick Talbot FRS Deputy Vice- Chancellor for Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 SWARM workload allocation Wednesday 13 th May 2015 Professor Nick Talbot FRS Deputy Vice- Chancellor for Research

2 Contents page Workload allocation and SWARM Why do we have SWARM? How do we use it? Notes for head of discipline An example of personal workload An example of departmental workload

3 Workload Allocation and SWARM All Colleges have a workload policy o Time allocations for tasks are informed by experience o Policies have been harmonised between Colleges to ensure fairness o Available on College intranet SWARM shows how the College Workload Policy has been implemented o Academics have access to the current year and previous years o SWARM data for the coming year is available when it has been completed to the best of the College’s ability o Pac, SITS and Trent provide data, other data is provided by the discipline

4 Why do we have SWARM? Transparent workload allocation Allows Colleges to allocate duties in a way that can be seen to be fair while taking capacity into consideration. To ensure staff workload is efficiently allocated To assist in balancing the cost of teaching and research within Colleges Academic Workload Planning is becoming Industry standard

5 How do we use it? A ‘Broad Brush’ summary of an academic’s workload allocation Checking staff are fairly resourced Ascertaining the teaching cost of modules Informing TRAC NOT for Performance Management, but can be helpful in PDRs

6 Notes for head of discipline HoDs must manage peaks and troughs in an individual’s workload over the course of the year. An individual’s workload profile must be checked for capacity. Inform staff of changes to workload policy. Academics with issues about workload policy should raise these with their HoD whose responsibility it is to escalate until an appropriate conclusion is reached.

7 An example of personal workload

8 An example of Departmental view

9 Thank you for listening Any questions?

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