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Performance Simulators José Nelson Amaral CMPUT 429 Dept. of Computing Science University of Alberta.

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1 Performance Simulators José Nelson Amaral CMPUT 429 Dept. of Computing Science University of Alberta

2 Reading material Section 1.3.2 Performance Simulators in Baer’s textbook.

3 Circuit Design Simulation (SPICE) Wires, gates, transistors, CMOS, electric signals, etc.

4 Logical Design Simulation Arithmetic and Logic Units (ALUs), Programmable Logic Arrays (PLAs) Hardware description languages (VHDL, Verilog)

5 Register Transfer Level (RTL) Microarchitecture level: data flow between basic blocks; control lines RETRO: Univ. of Western Australia rtlib: Universitat Hamburg

6 Processor and Memory Hierarchy Description (SimpleScalar) ISA definition, cache specifications, etc.

7 System level simulators I/O, multithreading, multiprocessing

8 Flavors of Simulation Trace-driven simulators: input is a sequence of instructions that have been executed by a program. – Needs trace collection hardware monitors: imprecise software monitors: slow and interfering with execution need lots of storage for the traces Execution-driven simulators: input is from a program interpreter. – Level of detail is a designing choice Bauer, p. 19

9 Drawbacks of simulators Difficult to simulate I/O Simulation take a long time – slowdown of 30 to 40 times! Takes more than 5 hours to simulate a 2-minute program. Bauer, p. 20

10 Speeding Up Simulation Simulate only the first billion instructions – probably not representative of the actual execution; Fast-forward first billion instructions and simulate the second billion instructions – Again only one contiguous portion of the program is simulated. Sample execution intervals (p.e. every 10 intervals of 100 million instructions) Detect similar phases in the program. Bauer, p. 21

11 Speeding Up Simulation (Phase-based simulation) 1. Divide execution in intervals (pe. 100 million instructions). 2. Give each interval a signature (pe. average frequency of execution of each basic block). 3. Cluster intervals based on signature. 4. Simulate a limited number of samples from each cluster. 5. Weigh the results of the simulation based on cluster frequency. Bauer, p. 21

12 Simulation Accuracy First billion instructions Fast forwarding Phase-based Bauer, p. 22

13 Smaller inputs Handcraft smaller inputs to a set of benchmarks – Smaller runs should be statistically equivalent to the original benchmark runs – Advantage: no sampling – Disadvantage: no automation, difficult to find adequate reduced inputs Bauer, p. 22

14 Further reading T. Austin, E. Larson, and D. Ernst, “SimpleScalar: An Infrastructure for Computer System Modeling,” IEEE Computer, 35, 2, Feb. 2002, 59-67 How to find it: 1.Go to 2.Click

15 How to find papers in library 1.Go to 2.Click on Science on left hand-side. 3.Click on Computing Science. 4.Select the database (most common are ACM, IEEE, Springer). For this paper click on IEEE Explore 5.If you are off-campus click on Web Access Enter your CCID and password

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