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Supporting rapid design and evaluation of pervasive application: challenges and solutions Lei Tang 1,2, Zhiwen Yu 1, Xingshe Zhou 1, Hanbo Wang 1, Christian.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting rapid design and evaluation of pervasive application: challenges and solutions Lei Tang 1,2, Zhiwen Yu 1, Xingshe Zhou 1, Hanbo Wang 1, Christian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting rapid design and evaluation of pervasive application: challenges and solutions Lei Tang 1,2, Zhiwen Yu 1, Xingshe Zhou 1, Hanbo Wang 1, Christian Becker 2 1.School of Computer, Northwestern Polytechnical University 2. University of Mannheim Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 2011

2 Outline Introduction Designing Challenges User-centered prototyping technique Rapid prototyping toolkits Open issues Conclusions

3 Introduction

4 "value for end-users" "core technical workability" Build a Good Application (1/3)

5 Good Application Design Evaluate Building a Good Application (2/3)

6 Evaluate Build Prototype DEMO Building a Good Application (3/3)

7 It is very difficult to predict how users will react when designing a service. Problem High cost in a design process

8 Problem Rapid Prototype Tools It is very difficult to predict how users will react when designing a service. High cost in a design process

9 Rapid Prototype Tools Activity Designer Topiary Visual RDK Other Tools Which one?

10 Classifying design challenges Overview of prototyping techniques Presenting several open issues Contribution: Survey Tools

11 Designing Challenges

12 User and task analysis in uneven environment Tracking user intent for implicit interaction Long-term, in situ design evaluations

13 User and task analysis in uneven environment Uncertainty in user analysis Mixed task analysis Simple Complex Past Now Future

14 Tracking user intent for implicit interaction Help user Hinder user Implicit interaction How to track user intent?

15 Long-term, in situ design evaluations Laboratory experiments Real-world experiments How to find the appropriate way for the evaluation?

16 User-centered prototyping technique

17 Design cycle with prototypes Prototyping techniques

18 Design cycle with prototypes

19 User-centered prototyping technique Design cycle with prototypes Prototyping techniques

20 Design cycle with prototypes Construct prototypes rapidly Remove inessential elements Construct prototypes for a particular purpose

21 Design cycle with prototypes Construct prototypes rapidly – Find out design issues – Rapid, incremental, reversible – Identify particular purposes and prioritize features Remove inessential elements Construct prototypes for a particular purpose

22 Design cycle with prototypes Construct prototypes rapidly Remove inessential elements – Avoid unnecessary design – Evaluate in early design stage – Remove unnecessary features Construct prototypes for a particular purpose

23 Design cycle with prototypes Construct prototypes rapidly Remove inessential elements Construct prototypes for a particular purpose – capture the user’s intent from the interaction experience (when, where, how) – test the design for usability

24 Design cycle with prototypes Construct prototypes rapidly Remove inessential elements Construct prototypes for a particular purpose – capture the user’s intent from the interaction experience (when, where, how) – test the design for usability

25 User-centered prototyping technique Design cycle with prototypes Prototyping techniques

26 Paper prototyping Wizard of Oz prototyping Experience prototyping Storyboard prototyping Form builder prototyping Functional component prototyping

27 Prototyping techniques Paper prototyping – Create “mockups” of UIs – Testing/evaluating usability and idea rapidly Wizard of Oz prototyping Experience prototyping Storyboard prototyping Form builder prototyping Functional component prototyping

28 Prototyping techniques Paper prototyping Wizard of Oz prototyping – Simulate system response in real time, and observes user actions – Challenge : build two interfaces (user and wizard) Experience prototyping Storyboard prototyping Form builder prototyping Functional component prototyping

29 Prototyping techniques Paper prototyping Wizard of Oz prototyping Experience prototyping – Designers experience prototype themselves – Diary studies for designers Storyboard prototyping Form builder prototyping Functional component prototyping

30 Prototyping techniques Paper prototyping Wizard of Oz prototyping Experience prototyping Storyboard prototyping – Sequence of screens, and show feedback effects – Disadvantage: hard to evaluate user’s reactions. Form builder prototyping Functional component prototyping

31 Prototyping techniques Paper prototyping Wizard of Oz prototyping Experience prototyping Storyboard prototyping Form builder prototyping – A Tool for drawing real, working interface by dragging widget on a window Functional component prototyping

32 Prototyping techniques Paper prototyping Wizard of Oz prototyping Experience prototyping Storyboard prototyping Form builder prototyping Functional component prototyping – Basic elements from a broad range of research – Provide simple API for prototyping applications

33 Rapid prototyping toolkits

34 Design-focused toolkits Evaluation-focused toolkits Summary

35 Rapid prototyping toolkits Design-focused toolkits Evaluation-focused toolkits Summary

36 Design-focused toolkits Prediction-based user analysis Cyber-physical task analysis Representation of user intent Description of application semantics

37 Design-focused toolkits Prediction-based user analysis – Predict users’ performance by task records Cyber-physical task analysis Representation of user intent Description of application semantics

38 Design-focused toolkits Prediction-based user analysis Cyber-physical task analysis – Main task -> subtasks – Subtasks analysis Representation of user intent Description of application semantics

39 Design-focused toolkits Prediction-based user analysis Cyber-physical task analysis Representation of user intent – Event, condition, action – User preferences Description of application semantics

40 Design-focused toolkits Prediction-based user analysis Cyber-physical task analysis Representation of user intent Description of application semantics – Demonstration with state graph – Demonstration with storyboard – Visual programming

41 Rapid prototyping toolkits Design-focused toolkits Evaluation-focused toolkits – Testing in simulation environment – In situ evaluation – Woz Summary

42 Rapid prototyping toolkits Design-focused toolkits Evaluation-focused toolkits Summary

43 The context-aware application can be simulated – Device, behavior, long-term user activities – Location context => map based interface Based on current infrastructure – CAMP is built on top of the INCA Infrastructure – Visual-RDK is built on an context server – CRN Toolbox is built on KNN classifier algorithm

44 Summary One Prototype Tool => Solve different needs – Understanding user experience – Groping for better design – Simulate complex sensor input User-friendly interface for designing and testing – Mouse-driven, drag-and-drop interaction

45 Open issues

46 Simulating pervasive environment Description of context-awareness Demonstrating application semantics Robust debugging environment Logging test data Integrating the design process Field deployment Evaluation criteria

47 Conclusion

48 Survey and analysis Designing and evaluating pervasive applications Prototyping toolkits Open issues Environment definition and simulation Future work Demo, debug, and evaluation

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