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Standards, Regulations and Liability Philip Cordeiro Adjunct Researcher– ECE Department ECE 2799 December 8, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Standards, Regulations and Liability Philip Cordeiro Adjunct Researcher– ECE Department ECE 2799 December 8, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standards, Regulations and Liability Philip Cordeiro Adjunct Researcher– ECE Department ECE 2799 December 8, 2008

2 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2 Overview  Introduction  Classes of Standards  Anatomy of a Standard  Standards Development  Standards Bodies  Standards Compliance  Standards Evolution

3 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 3 Introduction  What is a standard?  Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary: something set up and established by authority as a rule for the measure of quantity, weight, extent, value, or quality Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary

4 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 4 Introduction  Why do we need standards?  Interoperability  Safety  Innovation  Consumer confidence

5 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 5 Classes of Standards  Three Classes of Standards –Voluntary –Interoperability Open Closed –Safety

6 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 6 Classes of Standards  Voluntary –Not required by law –Public –Often a marketing tool –Examples ISO 9001 ASTM D4236 NHTSA Crash Ratings

7 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 7 Classes of Standards  Open Interoperability –May be required by law, mandatory –Public –Help to prevent interference, or provide immunity, between products –Examples FCC Part 68 W3C SOAP FCC Part 15 IEEE 802.11n

8 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 8 Classes of Standards  Closed Interoperability –Not required by law –Private, proprietary –Often a marketing tool –Examples Super-G J-Rex PM

9 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 9 Classes of Standards  Safety –Usually required by law, mandatory –Public –Intended to provide safe products –Examples CPSC Part 1205 IEC/CLC TR 62102 ITU-T K.20

10 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 10 Anatomy of a Standard  Purpose  Scope  References  Definitions and Abbreviations  Specifications and Requirements  Testing Methodology and Compliance Criteria

11 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 11 Anatomy of a Standard  Purpose The purpose of this standard is to reduce danger of injury and loss of life by providing, on a national basis, standard methods of testing and rating the flammability of textiles and textile products for clothing use, thereby discouraging the use of any dangerously flammable clothing textiles.

12 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 12 Anatomy of a Standard  Scope The standard provides methods of testing the flammability of clothing and textiles intended to be used for clothing, \1\,a,b establishes three classes of flammability, sets forth the requirements which textiles shall meet to be so classified, and warns against the use of those textiles which have burning characteristics unsuitable for clothing.

13 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 13 Anatomy of a Standard  References The methods of test and classifications outlined herein agree with all essential requirements of the Standard Test Method for Flammability of Clothing Textiles, of the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists.

14 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 14 Anatomy of a Standard  Definitions and Abbreviations As used in this part, unless the context otherwise specifically requires: (a) The term act means the ``Flammable Fabrics Act'' (approved June 30, 1953, Pub. Law 88, 83d Congress, 1st sess., 15 U.S.C. 1191; 67 Stat. 111) as amended, 68 Stat. 770, August 23, 1954. (b) The terms rule, rules, regulations, and rules and regulations, mean the rules and regulations prescribed by the Commission pursuant to section 5(c) of the act. (c) The term United States means, the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the Territories, and Possessions of the United States.

15 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 15 Anatomy of a Standard  Specifications and Requirements (a) No article of wearing apparel or fabric subject to the act and regulations shall be marketed or handled if such article or fabric, when tested according to the procedures prescribed in section 4(a) of the act, is so highly flammable as to be dangerous when worn by individuals.

16 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 16 Anatomy of a Standard  Testing Methodology and Compliance Criteria (a)(1) Number and size of specimens required. Five specimens, each measuring 2 by 6 inches, are required for each test. (4) If the specimens in the preliminary test, when tested as described in paragraph (g) of this section, do not ignite or are very slow burning, or should have a fire-retarding finish, a swatch large enough to provide the specimens required for the test, with allowance for shrinkage in dry cleaning and washing, is subjected to the dry cleaning and washing procedures described in paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section. The specimens for the flammability test are then taken from it.

17 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 17 Anatomy of a Standard  Testing Methodology and Compliance Criteria

18 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 18 Standards Development  Two Standards Development Processes –Singular –Consensus  Membership –Individuals –Company –Government Agency  Accessibility –Free –Fee

19 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 19 Standards Development  Singular –Individuals or Company Developed due to a business need May be public or private Widespread acceptance –de facto standard –Submission to a standards body –Government Agency Public Often mandatory, regulatory

20 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 20 Standards Development  Consensus –Standards Bodies Many different formats –Majority rules –Most technical work performed in committees (working groups, task groups) –Generally have annual or semi-annual meetings between committees

21 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 21 Standards Development  Consensus –Secretariat Administers day-to-day operations Publishes standards Collects fees –Open participation Free Fee

22 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 22 Standards Bodies  United Nations (U.N.) –ITUITU  Government Agencies –FCCFCC –FDAFDA –NISTNIST –CPSCCPSC –OSHAOSHA

23 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 23 Standards Bodies  National Standards Organizations –ANSIANSI  International Standards Organizations –ISOISO –IECIEC  Professional Associations –IEEEIEEE

24 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 24 Standards Bodies  Industry Trade Groups –1394 Trade Association1394 Trade Association –USB Implementers ForumUSB Implementers Forum –ETSIETSI –IETFIETF  Special Interest Group (SIG) –PCI-SIGPCI-SIG –ACM-SIGBEDACM-SIGBED –BluetoothBluetooth

25 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 25 Standards Bodies  Notified Body –TÜVTÜV  Military –MIL-SPECMIL-SPEC

26 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 26 Standards Compliance  Accredited Test Laboratory  Self Certification

27 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 27 Standards Compliance  Certification Marks

28 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 28 Standards Compliance  Certification Marks

29 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 29 Standards Compliance  Certification Marks

30 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 30 Standards Compliance  Certification Marks

31 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 31 Standards Compliance  Logos

32 Standards Evolution  Clarify Omissions or Inconsistencies  Technological Improvements  Market Demand Worcester Polytechnic Institute 32

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