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WEEK# 2 Haifa Abulaiha August 24, 2015 1.

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Presentation on theme: "WEEK# 2 Haifa Abulaiha August 24, 2015 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 WEEK# 2 Haifa Abulaiha August 24, 2015 1

2 OBJECTIVES COVERED Download data and extract ZIP file contents Create a new workbook and adjust sheets Import XML and CSV data Create and format tables Insert rows and/or columns Enter data Format cells Freeze panes Use table totals row Sort data Submit assignments 2


4 DOWNLOAD DATA AND EXTRACT ZIP FILE CONTENTS Download data files onto your computer. Extract the zip data files to convenient location. You will have the following four files: –coalmined.xml –employment.csv –coalperemployee.xml –forecasts.xml 4

5 CREATE A NEW WORKBOOK AND ADJUST SHEETS Start Microsoft Excel. Create New Microsoft Excel Workbook named Mining.xlsx Rename sheets (right click  rename): –Sheet 1 to Coal Mined –A new sheet 2 to Employment. –A new sheet 3 to Coal per Employee. –A new sheet 4 to Forecasts 5

6 IMPORT XML AND CSV DATA Import data files starting at cell A3 or A4 as indicated in the instructions. For XML files:  DATA ribbon  from other sources  From xml data import For CSV files:  DATA ribbon  from text 6

7 CREATE AND FORMAT TABLES On Coal Mined sheet: 1.Enable total row:  Design tab  Total Row 2.Change table style:  Design tab  Table styles On Forecasts Sheet: 1.Enable total row:  Design tab  Total Row 7

8 CREATE AND FORMAT TABLES On Employment sheet: –Create a table based on cells A3 through K58:  Select Cell Range  Insert Tab  Check my table has header. 8

9 INSERT ROWS AND/OR COLUMNS On the Coal Mined sheet: –Add column to store the 2010 value of the coal mined in each county to the right of existing column M:  Click on M column  Home Tab  Cells  Insert  Insert Table Column to the Right. On the Employment sheet: –Add column to display the production efficiency for each county to the right of existing column K:  Click on K column  Home Tab  Cells  Insert  Insert Table Column to the Right 9

10 ENTER DATA On the Coal Mined sheet: – Enter text in the cells as following: A1: Tons of Coal Mined per County N3: 2010 Value in 2010 c. A60: Minimum A61: Maximum A62: Average A63: Median A64: Correlation 10

11 ENTER DATA On the Employment sheet: – Enter text in the cells as following (Click on the cell): A1: Employment by County b. L3: Production Efficiency c. A59: Total 16. On the Coal per Employee sheet: – Enter text in the cells as following: A1: Tons of Coal Mined per Employee On the Forecasts sheet, – Enter text in the cells as following: A1: Forecasts A3: 2010-2020 Production Rate Change: B3: 0% 11

12 FORMAT CELLS On the Coal Mined sheet: –Merge-and-center cells A1 through N1.  Home Tab  Alignment  Merge & Center –Apply the Heading 1 formatting style to cell A1.  Home Tab  Styles  Cell Styles – Add borders to the cells C3 through C64:  Home Tab  Font  Borders –Format the cells as indicated below: i. C4 through I63: number with no decimal places, display 1000 separator ii. J4 through J58: percentage with 1 decimal place iii. K4 through L58: general type iv. M4 through N59: currency with no decimal places v. C64 through I64: number with 3 decimal places  Select Indicated Cells  Right click  Format cells  Number –AutoFit the width of columns A through B and columns J through N. –Set the widths of columns C through I to 12.  Home  Cells  Format  Autofit Column Width  Column Width 12

13 FREEZE PANES On the Employment sheet: –Freeze panes so the top three rows and first two columns are always visible: Freeze panes at cell C4.  View Tab  Windows  Freeze Pane 13

14 USE TABLE TOTALS ROW On the Coal Mined sheet: –Summarize the amount of coal mined for each year: In the total row, individually find the sum for columns C through I and columns M through N. On the Forecasts sheet, –Summarize the amount of coal mined for each year: In the total row, individually find the sum for columns B through I.  Total Row (on Specified Column)  Sum 14

15 SORT DATA On the Coal Mined sheet: – Sort the data by county in ascending order:  Click A3  Sort A to Z 15

16 SUBMIT ASSIGNMENTS Submit your file using the Course Tools section of the CS101 website at 16

17 MYITLAB LESSON A MyITLab lesson A is due on Monday September 08 @ 11:59pm 17

18 HW # 1 Homework 1 is due on Friday September 11 @ 11:59pm Instructions and Data files are available on: ments/ 18


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