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Valley Central Middle School Technology Department 2006-2007 (845)457-2400 ext. 6100.

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Presentation on theme: "Valley Central Middle School Technology Department 2006-2007 (845)457-2400 ext. 6100."— Presentation transcript:

1 Valley Central Middle School Technology Department 2006-2007 (845)457-2400 ext. 6100

2 Our Purpose Today Who am I Definition of Technology Examine the need for a Technologically literate student Examine the Module Technology Learning System Illustrate the role of problem solving and design

3 Mr. Longo Family Ice Hockey Rock Crawling Quads

4 Definitions of Technology Technology: the modification of the natural environment in order to satisfy perceived human needs and wants. Technological Literacy: the ability to use, manage assess, and understand technology. Technology Education: the study of technology. Students learn to solve problems and extend human capabilities

5 Technological Literacy We are all doing things we never imagined We are absolutely “hooked” on technology Everyone uses technology Few people understand technology “Where does your water come from?”

6 Nature or Technology? Is nature really natural anymore How many technologies are present in this photo? This picture is from a random mountain pass in Colorado.

7 What skills do the Technologically Literate have? Evaluate Information Form Opinions Assess technological value or the lack of it Understand how technology is created Understand how Technology shapes society and society shapes Technology “Sometimes it is easier to spot the technologically illiterate.”

8 Module Technology Modules in Tech 1 and 2 Schedule How to pick a partner How areas are assigned Note taking, test, homework, activities (grading) Getting started……

9 Tech Rooms 1 and 2 Energy and Power RoboticsInformationStructuresCAD/CAM Digital Music Virtual Architecture FlightEcology Video Production Computer Graphics Audio Communications MaterialsTransportation

10 Schedule Check the white board 15 day rotations Work in teams of 2 Follow Directions!! Pre, Progress, and Post Test Critical Writings (day 5 and 10) Activities

11 How do I pick a partner? The computer can pick for you You can pick a friend You can pick a good worker and someone you can get along with DO NOT PICK SOMEONE WHO WILL NOT WORK No leaches

12 How are Areas Assigned? First Rotation is a lottery Every rotation after is based on the highest average In case of a tie, the tie break is the highest activity grade If still tied its whoever pays me the most money

13 Grading 80% is activities 10% is Pre, Progress, and Post test 10% is Critical Writings (essays) Note taking can be done in your tech binder OR your Electronic Daily Journal Test are done on your computer with your partner (we take the highest grade) Critical Writings are done individually Activities for the most part are done individually

14 Getting started in your area. Log in to the computer Log in to ADMN Password for ADMN Follow the directions on the screen Answer all questions, and do all activities If you have a question you have your call light on your computer and in your area

15 How do I save a file? Click file Click save as Select the location: class files folder Name your file/project Click save Go to your module map Click on your file locker Click browse Find your file in the class files folder Double click on your file Click upload

16 The End Enjoy your year

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