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Chapter 13 This is the visit to Miss H’s house (Satis House) regarding Pip’s apprenticeship Joe insisted upon speaking to Pip instead of Miss H (77) Pip.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 13 This is the visit to Miss H’s house (Satis House) regarding Pip’s apprenticeship Joe insisted upon speaking to Pip instead of Miss H (77) Pip."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 13 This is the visit to Miss H’s house (Satis House) regarding Pip’s apprenticeship Joe insisted upon speaking to Pip instead of Miss H (77) Pip is decidedly ashamed of Joe (78) Miss H gives Joe 25 guineas as payment for Pip’s services (78) They are quickly ushered out Pip and Joe go to Mr. P’s where Mrs. Joe is waiting and Joe teases her with the amount paid The “impostor” P acts like he knows the amount and has been conferred with by Miss H. They decide to have dinner out with Mr. W and the Hubbles Everyone kept telling Pip to enjoy himself... But he couldn’t and didn’t They treat Pip horribly and he never wants to be a blacksmith (82)

2 Chapter 14 Time passes as Pip begins working in Joe’s forge; the boy slowly becomes an adolescent. He hates working as Joe’s apprentice, but out of consideration for Joe’s goodness, he keeps his feelings to himself. As he works, he thinks he sees Estella’s face mocking him in the forge, and he longs for Satis House.

3 Chapter 15 1.Biddy begins to teach Pip and Pip shares everything he learns with Joe 2.Pip decides to visit Miss H after one year... Really wants to see Estella 3.Joe advises otherwise but provides a ½ holiday 4.Dolge Orlick (Cain) is 25 and a blacksmith journeyman, “Broad shouldered, loose-limbed, swarthy fellow” and hates Pip (87) 5.Frustrated over Joe giving Pip a ½ holiday, Orlick lunges at Pip with a hot poker 6.THE FIGHT (88-89) 7.Sarah “walnut-face” Pocket answers the gate at Miss H’s 8.Estella is gone abroad to study 9.Miss H “malignant enjoyment” (90) 10.Mr. W engages Pip to come read a script with he and Mr. P well into evening 11.Dark night – Orlick “growls” at Pip for being late 12.11 PM at the Three Jolly Bargemen the lights are on and there is an emergency

4 Chapter 16 1.Pip’s sister has been attacked between 9 and 10 PM, nothing is stolen (93) 2.Beaten with an OLD leg iron (Pip’s Convict, maybe?) but it is decided that the iron is so old it cannot belong to the most recent convicts to escape the Hulks (since the cannons have been firing) 3.Pip believes the attacker to be Orlick or the stranger at the tavern –the one with Joe’s file 4.Police investigate for two weeks but find nothing 5.Mrs. Joe’s condition (95) 6.Biddy’s grandmother finally dies so she comes to live with the Gargerys to help out with Mrs. Joe’s care 7.Mrs. Joe keep making a T on the slate – Orlick’s hammer! 8.She’s kind, sweet to Orlick – How weird is that??? (96)

5 Chapter 17 1.Pip goes on his birthday to see Ms. H and receives a guinea (even though he doesn’t want it) 2.Takes notice of Biddy (wears her heels higher, neat hair, clean hands) (97) 3.Pip realizes that he has not been grateful to Biddy and shares with her his secret desire to be a gentleman. She discourages him. 4.Pip asks if he is “good enough” for Biddy (99) and she answers that she is not “over particular” LOL 5.Pip explains why he wants to be a gentleman for Estella (Notice Biddy’s remark on p100) 6.Pip wishes that he could love Biddy, but Biddy answers that he never will (101) 7.Out pops Orlick 8.Biddy announces that he “dances” around her 9.She doesn’t like him 10.Pip’s choices (Biddy or Estella? The forge or a Gentleman?)

6 Chapter 18 1.Four years have passed 2.Some are gathered at the Three Jolly Bargemen to hear Mr. W read about a murder and Pip notices a stranger watching and listening 3.The stranger argues with Mr. W over the man’s innocence in a case –annoys Pip! 4.Asks about Joe then Pip (105) 5.Pip recognizes him as the man in the dark stairwell at Miss H’s house. This is Jaggers (106) 6.“Brag is a good dog, but Holdfast is a better.” (107) 7.Pip has Great Expectations! 8.He will come into property and be brought up as a gentleman 9.Pip thinks this is Miss H’s doing! 10.Conditions: keep his name, benefactor is a secret until that person decides to reveal it, Jaggers is the go-between and Pip’s guardian (holds money for his education and maintenance) 11.Get a tutor (Matthew Pocket) and is given 20 guineas for new clothes 12.Joe’s kind remark (110) and he asks for no compensation 13.Pip is dissatisfied with himself (112) 14.Decides not to wear his new clothes for the Gargerys 15.Joe’s saddness (113)

7 Chapter 19 1.Six days before Pip’s departure 2.Joe burns Pip’s indenture papers 3.Pip pities the church and decides to one day do something for them 4.He wants to leaving the convict, Orlick, cattle, and all dull life behind 5.Pip awakes at the Battery to find Joe there. Wishes Joe had more education so Pip could be proud of him when one day Pip would give him property (115) 6.Pip asks Biddy to teach Joe to read and good manners 7.He accuses Biddy of being envious (116) 8.Next day he visits with Mr. Trabb the tailor 9.Trabb’s reaction(117) 10.Trabb’s boy hates Pip 11.Pip goes to the hatter, bootmaker, hosier and the coach office 12.Pumblechook is totally changed (119) 13.Pumblechook asks Pip’s business advice – How weird is that? 14.Fretful night’s sleep 15.Pip rises to breakfast and Joes’ goodbyes 16.“Mist was rising” (124)

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