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21st Century Teaching Scholarship & Certificate Program Workshop 5 Bon Education.

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Presentation on theme: "21st Century Teaching Scholarship & Certificate Program Workshop 5 Bon Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 21st Century Teaching Scholarship & Certificate Program Workshop 5 Bon Education

2 Agenda: Digital Safety Scenarios Podcasting Review OERs OER Scavenger Hunt Break Summary of Course Education Technology Implementation Plan KWL Summary, Q & A, Homework

3 Workshop 5 Guiding Questions: How can students practice digital safety? What are OERs? How can you use OERs in your classroom? What are your top 3 priorities for successfully integrating technology into your teaching? How will you achieve those priorities?

4 Icebreaker: Digital Safety Scenarios

5 Any questions about podcasting?

6 Review: How can podcasts be used to facilitate teaching and learning?

7 What are Open Education Resources (OERs)?

8 Remix Improve Redistribute OERs are free education materials that anyone can…

9 Learning objects Images, audios & videos Lessons, units & full courses Journal articles & textbooks Learning & content management software Tools for publishing digital resources OERs include…

10 Major OER Initiatives…

11 Sample OER: Curriki Video

12 What about copyrights?

13 OER Exploration

14 In this course we talked, did and looked at: Hands-on introduction to digital learning tools 21st century skills for students (Digital Natives) Case studies Develop and test lessons that integrate technology in the classroom

15 Learning objectives: Describe how technology can transform learning Determine when technology is a value-add to your curricula Define several digital learning tools Practice using blogs, podcasts and social networks Develop 2 lessons that effectively integrate technology Create your own classroom blog, podcast and technology integration plan

16 Education Technology Implementation Plan

17 K.W.L.

18 Next workshops

19 Q and A + Homework + Thanks!

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