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Queen Elizabeth's wardrobe unlocked ROYALPORTRAITS.

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1 Queen Elizabeth's wardrobe unlocked ROYALPORTRAITS

2 Were her portaits reliable?? She was the first monarch to understand the importance of public relations and she carefully prepared her image for public consumption: portraits were distributed throughout the land and some peolple never had the chance to see her in person.  Idea of ageless Queen  Mask of youth  No smile She wanted to look like a strong regal personality, and ONLY with regards to her ruling stile and personality, they are really spon on

3 How really was the Queen??  Elizabeth was short about 5'3 or 5'5 with brown eyes and red curly hair and freakles  She had a nose hooked in the middle and rather thin lips and prounounced cheek bones  She had a bad temper and would throw things or threaten to send courtiers to the Tower if they upset her.  Elizabeth's teeth were black with tooth decay.  Her speech was sometimes difficult to understand because of missing teeth.  Elizabeth was very superstitious and was afraid of black magic.  She only bathed once every few weeks

4 The ermine portrait 1585 By Nicholas Hilliard

5  ERMINE whit gold crown: royalty, majesty and purity.  DARK BACKGROND: gravity and authority.

6  SWORD of state: justice on the first place.  OLIVE BRANCH: biblical sign for peace.

7 The Phoenix portrait 1575 By Nicholas Hilliard

8  PHOENIX: - eternal nature of kingship -sacrifice and rebirth -Christ’s resurrection and a promise of eternal life -chastity  PEARLS AROUND HER WAIST: purity and virginity

9  THE CROWN: aureole.  THE FIVE PETALS RED ROSE: - love, beauty, secrecy, christian martyrdom and Virgin Mary - the five wounds of Christ

10 Coronation portrait 1558

11  HAND ON A GLOBE: power and authority.  LOOSE HAIR: - unmarried state - color strikes to white skin

12 The Pelican portrait 1575 By Nicholas Hilliard

13  PELICAN: -Christ’s sacrifice to save mankind -like redemption and charity - self sacrifice -mother of protenstant nation

14  TUDOR ROSE: unity and order.  FLEUR-DE-LYS: dinastic claim to France.

15 The Sieve portrait 1583 By Quentin Metsys

16  SIEVE: attribute of chastity of the roman vestal virgin Tucia, who after being accused of imputiry, used the sieve to carry water from river Tiber to Vesta’s temple. As not a drop fell, she was able to prove her chastity. Engraved on the sieve: A TERRA IL BEN / MAL DIMORA IN SELLA, that means that the Queen can understand between good and evil.

17  SHIPS cross West on globe: Powerful nation, conquest of New World. TVTTO VEDO, MULTO MANCHA in inscribed in the globe.  THE FIGURE: It could be her courtier Sir Christopher Hatton, who commissionated the portait.

18 ROUDELS: story of Aeneas and Dido, with the Queen compared to Aeneas: they had faced temptation and now they lead powerful nations.

19 The portrait itself is inscribed: STANCHO RIPOSO & RIPOSATO AFFANNO

20 The Ditchley portrait 1592 By Marcus Gheeraerts

21  ON HENRY LEE’S LAND IN OXFORDSHIRE: power over Lee. She’s standing on world and the Ditcheley estate.

22  The prince of light, the Sonne by whom thin(gs) Of heaven the glorie, and of earthe the (grace?) Hath no such glorie as (...) grace to go (... ) Where Correspondencie May have no plac(e) Thunder the Image of that power dev(ine) Which all to nothinge with a word c(... ) Is to the earthe when it doth ayre r(... ) Of power the Scepter, not of wr(... ) This ile of such both grace (... ) power The boundless ocean (...) em(...) P(...) p(rince?) (... ) the (.. )ll (...) Rivers of thankes retourne for Springes (.. ) Rivers of thankes still to that oc(ean) (...) Where grace is grace above, power po(wer)  POEMS: divine power

23  PEARLS: virginity  JEWELED CELESTIAL SPHERE hang from an ear: command over nature itself  THE EMBROIDERED GOW: : wildflowers to pose the Queen in the guise of Astraea, the virginal heroine of classical literature

24  THUNDEROUS CLOUDS BEHIND HER, SHE IS BECOMING THE SUNSHINE IN: powerful and triumphant figure with no anxiety

25 The Rainbow portrait 1600 Marcus Gheeraerts

26  THE EMBROIDERED GOW: : wildflowers to pose the Queen in the guise of Astraea, the virginal heroine of classical literature  PEARLS: virginity  EYES AND EARS ON THE CLOAK: she sees and hears all

27  JEWELED SERPENT holding a heart-shaped ruby: Queen’s heart captured and controlled by wisdom  JEWELED CELESTIAL SPHERE: costancy  CRESCENT-SHAPED JEWEL: Cynthia, the goddes of the Moon

28  RAINBOW: peace  NON SINE SOLE IRIS: Queen’s wisdom ensures peace and prosperity

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