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Fire climate interactions on the American Pacific Coast ACRE workshop Meteoswiss, June 24 2008 Valérie Trouet A.H. Taylor, A.M. Carleton, C.N. Skinner.

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Presentation on theme: "Fire climate interactions on the American Pacific Coast ACRE workshop Meteoswiss, June 24 2008 Valérie Trouet A.H. Taylor, A.M. Carleton, C.N. Skinner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fire climate interactions on the American Pacific Coast ACRE workshop Meteoswiss, June 24 2008 Valérie Trouet A.H. Taylor, A.M. Carleton, C.N. Skinner


3 Fire

4 Fire Environment Varies in Time and Space Fuels - Vegetation Canopy Surface Ground Weather Wind Humidity Drought Landform – Terrain Slope Aspect, Elevation, Hill - Slope - Drainage Fire Environment FireEffects

5 Fire weather indices Fire growth potential, fire risk

6 Fire weather indices Fire growth potential, fire risk ERC Fuel moisture NFDRS 19 (CA) + 14 (OR) RAWS 1973-2005 fire season (July-Sep)

7 Haines Index range 2 – 6 NCEP/NCAR (2.5°) daily (0000 UTC) 1961-2000 Winkler et al. IJWF 2007

8 Haines Index climatology Winkler et al. IJWF 2007

9 Mediterranean Climate Area Oregon and northern California Trouet et al. GRL 2006

10 Interannual variability HI

11 HI, ERC vs. annual area burned AABAnnualWinterSpringSummerFall Fire season HI OR0.58*0.150.46*0.39*-0.210.54* CA0.41*0.150.36*0.35*0.030.41* Days ≥ 5 OR0.56*-0.020.36*0.48*0.010.56* CA0.39*0.050.38*0.35*0.220.42* Days ≤ 3 OR-0.6*-0.15-0.45*-0.39*0.12-0.53* CA-0.4*-0.14-0.34*-0.35*-0.06-0.4* ERC OR 0.4* CA 0.38*

12 HI, ERC vs. annual area burned Trouet et al. TAC 2008

13 Temperature HI ERC Precipitation

14 HighLow HI ERC

15 Pacific North American (PNA) pattern

16 Winter PNA – summer fire weather

17 Conclusions Severe fire weather years strong regional signal ~ widespread forest fires ~ synoptic scale circulation patterns particularly PNA

18 Fire Scar Network Fire Regimes and Climatic Variability in the Mediterranean- Climate Areas of California, Southwestern Oregon, and Western Nevada Fire Regimes and Climatic Variability in the Mediterranean- Climate Areas of California, Southwestern Oregon, and Western Nevada

19 Fire regime reconstruction 1889 LW 1879ME 1854 LE 1840 D 1828 D 1821 LE 1809 D 1799 D 1793 D 1787 LW 1781 ME 1775 D 1771 D 1765 LW

20 Fire regime reconstruction

21 Airborne Research & Survey Facility





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