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Bingo Review Course 2. Directions 1)Please cut your bingo chips 2) Please answer each question by finding the correct vocabulary word on your BINGO sheet.

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Presentation on theme: "Bingo Review Course 2. Directions 1)Please cut your bingo chips 2) Please answer each question by finding the correct vocabulary word on your BINGO sheet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bingo Review Course 2

2 Directions 1)Please cut your bingo chips 2) Please answer each question by finding the correct vocabulary word on your BINGO sheet and cover it with the chip! Prizes will be awarded to the winners!!

3 1) If you ____________________to your brother’s baseball game, you probably think that watching baseball is boring. Trudge

4 2) A two-headed gerbil is an example of something that is _________________________ Grotesque

5 3) If something seems _______________________ familiar to you, you don’t remember every detail. Vaguely

6 4) Hate Mutiny

7 5) If weeds ___________________ your garden, your flowers will not be able to grow well. Ravage

8 6) During my science experiment, the heaviest boat flipped over and sank. capsized

9 7) That clown can juggle four balls and ride her unicycle at the same time. Simultaneously

10 8) If you do something _____________________________, you do it carefully. painstakingly

11 9) Ordinary Pedestrian

12 10) This teacher has a lilting voice Mrs. Casey

13 11) Frederick felt ashamed after copying the answers from Julia’s test. contrite

14 12) Alicia could not hold back her excitement when she got her first car. repress

15 13) You’re hurting me!! merciless

16 14 It’s getting everywhere! pervade

17 15 Loyal companion stalwart

18 16 “I am furious” Infuriate

19 17 Out of control maniacal

20 18 Please, thank you, excuse me Words to show…. refinement

21 19 This teacher does not always have a lilting voice! Mr. Oates

22 20 “I’m better than you!” condescending

23 21 “She never smiles” stoic

24 Bingo: Game 2 If Teddy _________________ strength, he is very strong. exemplifies

25 2 An elephant’s skin is very __________________________ callous

26 3 If someone has great respect for an athlete, movie star, or singer, they might try to ________________ them. emulate

27 4 The colors of the painting calmed Denise because they were _________________. muted

28 5 On Election Day, the church was used for nonreligious purposes. secular

29 6 My grandparents often talk fondly about the past over a pitcher of iced tea. Reminisce

30 7 Giving someone a hug, a gift, or a positive comment can be some ways to ___________________ them. placate

31 8 If someone daydreams, then they are___________________ pondering

32 9 Secretive Surreptitious

33 10 I enjoyed the movie, but Rebecca felt _________________ towards it. indifferent

34 11 The leader of our school is a venerable person. Mr. Carter

35 12 A renowned band Led Zepplin

36 13 I’m used to it Accustomed

37 14 “You’re so wise” venerable

38 15 A surreptitious person is a ___________________ thief

39 16 A celebrity is Renowned

40 17 An outsider can be considered a _______________ hermit

41 18 Grouch cantankerous

42 19 I need that!!! Essential

43 20 I don’t care! Indifferent

44 21 The crowd goes wild!!! fanfare

45 22 Volunteering Laudable

46 23 Tell a lie pretense

47 24 A wild fire Pervaded

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