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HYSPLIT Part 1: Trajectories Glenn Gehring, Office of Air Quality Dept. of Science and Engineering Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation.

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Presentation on theme: "HYSPLIT Part 1: Trajectories Glenn Gehring, Office of Air Quality Dept. of Science and Engineering Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation."— Presentation transcript:

1 HYSPLIT Part 1: Trajectories Glenn Gehring, Office of Air Quality Dept. of Science and Engineering Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation Glenn Gehring, Office of Air Quality Dept. of Science and Engineering Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation

2 2 Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory model WHAT??

3 3 I think I’ll call it HYSPLIT What??

4 4 Who Provides it?  Air Resources Laboratory (ARL) provides products related to atmospheric dispersion and air quality  ARL mandated by Congress shortly after WWII—concerns about pollution transport (nuclear fallout initial concern)  ARL now within National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)  Air Resources Laboratory (ARL) provides products related to atmospheric dispersion and air quality  ARL mandated by Congress shortly after WWII—concerns about pollution transport (nuclear fallout initial concern)  ARL now within National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

5 5 What HYSPLIT Does  modeling tool used for computing  wind trajectories in three dimensions  complex pollutant dispersion, deposition patterns  can be used online or downloaded and used on your computer  can provide short-term forecasts for pollutant dispersion, or wind trajectories, using National Weather Service forecast meteorological data  can help us predict air quality and explore existing pollution episodes in near-real- time, and increase understanding of past pollution episodes  modeling tool used for computing  wind trajectories in three dimensions  complex pollutant dispersion, deposition patterns  can be used online or downloaded and used on your computer  can provide short-term forecasts for pollutant dispersion, or wind trajectories, using National Weather Service forecast meteorological data  can help us predict air quality and explore existing pollution episodes in near-real- time, and increase understanding of past pollution episodes

6 6 Why Do We Use it?  forecast smoke impacts from proscribed burns or wildfires  assess  Contributors to high pollutant concentrations observed on our monitors  transport patterns  day/night/seasonal differences  forecast smoke impacts from proscribed burns or wildfires  assess  Contributors to high pollutant concentrations observed on our monitors  transport patterns  day/night/seasonal differences But Mainly…

7 7 To Find Out Where is it Going Proscribed burn

8 8 And Where it Came From

9 9 How Does it Work? Some day I’ll tell you. But right now my name isn’t Dr. Glenn and I don’t have a clue. Lets focus on how to use it.

10 10 If You Want Details, They’re There

11 11 Some Examples

12 12 HYSPLIT in BlueSkyRAINS Umatilla Indian Reservation

13 13 Cherokee Nation Stilwell Site 90ppb 8-hour ozone Quapaw Nation 83ppb 8-hour ozone Two Ozone Sites on 4/12/2003

14 14 Stilwell Site Starting with highest concentration at the analyzer, a 24-hour backward trajectory shows where parcel of air located, at 1-hour intervals, before it entered analyzer GRDA Plume Concentration Gradient GRDA Muskogee Northeastern 24-Hr. Forward Plume Starting 4/11/03 Back Trajectory Starting 2 PM 4/12/03 Stillwell 8-hour Ozone - 0.090 PPM Tahlequah Site 1-Hour Before 24-Hours Before

15 15 3/20/2002 Great Basin National Park

16 16 6-Days Elevated Ozone at CTUIR Miles

17 17 6 days Low Ozone at CTUIR Miles Wind speed and other conditions matter. Not just direction.

18 18 Highest Passive Ozone (24-hour Sample)

19 19 Eli Shoshone August 2002 Backward Trajectories (Michael Dalton’s work – monthly trajectory patterns)

20 20 NOAA’s HYSPLIT Online Modeling Tool: A Backward Trajectory Demonstration

21 21 Select Compute trajectories

22 22 EDAS 40 Provides best resolution, but limited to post- 2003 dates Alaska may need to use global reanalysis Select Met dataset

23 23 Select date for met data apr03 is April 2003 001 is day 1 through 15 of month 002 is day 16 to end of month

24 24 Enter latitude, longitude of monitoring site

25 25

26 26

27 27

28 28

29 29 Backward trajectories Elevations of trajectories

30 30

31 31 Save text file for GIS integration

32 32 Open Text File in Excel and Modify Then save as a text file

33 33 Open ArcCatalog, Right Click on Text File and Create Feature Class from XY Table

34 34 Left Click, Hold and Drag to Map

35 35 There IS More to it – You’ll Learn that in the Trajectory Exercise and in Your Practice

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