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Study and Sign Prospectus Review and Sign Lab Safety Contract Have Parent Sign Contract and Prospectus Warm Up: Make a numbered list and write down any.

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Presentation on theme: "Study and Sign Prospectus Review and Sign Lab Safety Contract Have Parent Sign Contract and Prospectus Warm Up: Make a numbered list and write down any."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study and Sign Prospectus Review and Sign Lab Safety Contract Have Parent Sign Contract and Prospectus Warm Up: Make a numbered list and write down any lab safety rules that you remember from last year. 1) 2) 3) Page 1 Homework : 1. Study and Sign Prospectus 2. Review and Sign Lab Safety Contract 3. Have Parent Sign Contract and Prospectus Thursday, August 25, 2011 Friday, August 26, 2011 Science Introduction and Expectations Review Prospectus Lab Safety Rules/Activity Page 2 Thursday, August 25, 2011 Friday, August 26, 2011

2 8 th Grade Science Interactive Notebook Set-up

3 Homework Title(s) Warm Up: Write out questions, charts, diagrams AND your responses!!! Page # Homework : Homework assignments should always be written here, as the title AND in your agenda! Date A-Day Date B-Day Inside Cover of Notebook Keep This Page Blank!!!!

4 Prospectus Page Tape 8 th Grade Science Prospectus Here

5 Homework Title(s) Warm Up: Write out questions, charts, diagrams AND your responses!!! Page # Homework : Homework assignments should always be written here, as the title AND in your agenda! Date A-Day Date B-Day Classwork Titles This will tell you what we are doing in class and what we plan to accomplish in today’s lesson Page # Date A-Day Date B-Day Page Set-Up Expectations

6 Study and Sign Prospectus Review and Sign Lab Safety Contract Have Parent Sign Contract and Prospectus Warm Up: Make a numbered list and write down any lab safety rules that you remember from last year. 1) 2) 3) Page 1 Homework : 1. Study and Sign Prospectus 2. Review and Sign Lab Safety Contract 3. Have Parent Sign Contract and Prospectus Thursday, August 25, 2011 Friday, August 26, 2011 Science Introduction and Expectations Review Prospectus Lab Safety Rules/Activity Page 2 Thursday, August 25, 2011 Friday, August 26, 2011

7 Earth Layers Pre-Assessment Finish Lab Report Warm Up: 1. What is the procedure for making up late assignments? 2. What are the three most important things to bring to science each day? 3. What are the first three things that you are supposed to do when you arrive to science class each day? ***If you finish all these questions, review your prospectus to prepare for quiz. Page 3 Homework : 1. Complete take-home Earth Layers Pre- Assessment 2. Finish Lab Report Monday, August 29, 2011 Tuesday, August 30, 2011 Prospectus Quiz 1 st Science Lab Lab Report Page 4 Monday, August 29, 2011 Tuesday, August 30, 2011

8 Lab Vocabulary Sentences Warm Up: 1. Copy and organize the steps of the scientific method in correct order ____ organize data ____ write hypothesis ____ identify problem ____ conclusion ____ do the experiment ____ observe what happens ____ get background information Page 5 Homework : 1. Write individual sentences for each lab vocabulary word you defined today in class. 2. Study your vocabulary words! Wednesday, August 31, 2011 Thursday, September 1, 2011 District Formative Lab Report Expectations/Rubric Lab Vocabulary Page 6 Wednesday, August 31, 2011 Thursday, September 1, 2011 Define the following words using the handbook in the back of your textbook. (pgs R1 – R35) 1.Hypothesis - Tentative explanation for an observation or scientific problem that can be tested by further investigation. 2.Independent variable - The factor that you wish to test and that is manipulated or changed so that it can be tested. 3. Dependent variable - The factor that you measure to gather results 4.Control variable - A variable that is the same in every way possible except for the factor you wish to test. 5.Manipulate - Changing something so it can be tested 6.Operational definition - description of the one particular way in which you will measure the dependent variable. 7.Qualitative Observation - Observations that include descriptions of sights, sounds, smells and textures. 8.Quantitative Observation - Observations that can be expressed in numbers and include records of time, temperature, mass, distance and volume. 9.Prediction - An expectation of what will be observed or what will happen. 10.Inference - A logical conclusion drawn from the available evidence and prior knowledge; often made from observations. 1.Hypothesis 2.Independent variable 3. Dependent variable 4.Control variable 5.Manipulate 6.Operational definition 7.Qualitative Observation 8.Quantitative Observation 9.Prediction 10.Inference

9 Study for Quiz on Earth’s Layers and Lab Vocabulary Warm Up: 1. List and describe a variety of operations you could have used during your penny lab. ***Recall what operation means from your lab vocabulary Page 7 Homework : 1. Study vocabulary words and Earth layers diagram for your quiz next class. Friday, September 2, 2011 Tuesday, September 6, 2011 Lab Vocabulary Review Earth Layers Diagram Notes Earth Dissection Activity Page 8 Friday, September 2, 2011 Tuesday, September 6, 2011 Lab Vocabulary Review: Hypothesis Inference Prediction Qualitative Quantitative Non-numerical: Sights Sounds Smells Textures Easier to Observe Numerical: Time Mass Distance Volume Require measuring Change Control Variable to Constant!! Independent variable – comes after the “if” in hypothesis. Dependent Variable – Come after the “then” in hypothesis. Operational Definition Several ways to measure something, define how you want to Usually found in procedure This helps people to know what you did and build off of it Ticket out the door: Make a T-Chart or Write Sentences describing how the egg represented Earth’s layers in our activity. Also, list what layer of the Earth was missing and why you think it was not represented in our model?

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