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EDIT 6900: Research Methods in Instructional Technology UGA, Instructional Technology Spring, 2008 If you can hear audio, click If you cannot hear audio,

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Presentation on theme: "EDIT 6900: Research Methods in Instructional Technology UGA, Instructional Technology Spring, 2008 If you can hear audio, click If you cannot hear audio,"— Presentation transcript:

1 EDIT 6900: Research Methods in Instructional Technology UGA, Instructional Technology Spring, 2008 If you can hear audio, click If you cannot hear audio, click If you have a question, click Lloyd Rieber Instructor Eunjung Oh Graduate Assistant

2 Two Topics for Today Continue Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods Overview of a class activity on how to compute a t statistic to determine if two means (pretest and posttest) are significantly different.

3 Not This Week

4 Informal Activity SDC Systematic Data Collection An informal, (hopefully) enjoyable activity designed to give you first-hand experience collecting research data Your Task: Go and research something of interest to you! Report on it informally in writing Give 5 minute oral report 10%, Due: April 9

5 March 26Quantitative Research (con’t) April 2Quantitative Research April 9Preparing a Research Report SDC Reports (in class) April 16Finish SDC Reports (if needed) Research Project Presentations? April 23Research Project Presentations Remaining Course Calendar

6 Notes About the Next RDA


8 Final Project Rubric Look for Email with this.

9 Dr. Lloyd Rieber The University of Georgia Department of Educational Psychology & Instructional Technology Athens, Georgia USA EDIT 6900 Research in Instructional Technology Part IV. Quantitative Research Methodologies Chapters 9-11

10 Running an Olympic Marathon: No Significant Difference? 26 miles, 385 yards Times of top 2 runners at 2004 Olympics in Athens, Greece: –1. Stefano Baldini ITA 2:10:55 –2. Meb Keflezighi USA 2:11:29 Is a difference of 34 seconds statistically significant?

11 Total votes cast for Bush or Gore in 2000: No Significant Difference?

12 Experimental Designs  Experimental design is used to identify cause-and-effect relationships.  The researcher considers many possible factors that might cause or influence a particular condition/phenomenon.  The researcher controls for all influential factors except those having possible effects.

13 Independent and Dependent Variables  Variable: any quality or characteristic in a research investigation that has two or more possible values.  Independent variable: a possible cause of something else (one that is manipulated)  Dependent variable: a variable that is potentially influenced by the independent variable.

14 The Importance of Control  Control the confounding variables  Keep some things constant.  Include a control group.  Randomly assign people to groups.  Assess equivalence before the treatment with one ore more pretests.  Expose participants to both or all experimental conditions.  Statistically control for confounding variables.

15 Types of Experimental Designs (1)  Pre-experimental designs  True experimental designs  Quasi-experimental designs

16 Overview of Experimental Designs (2) GroupTime Group 1 Group 2 Tx: indicates that a treatment (reflecting independent variable) is presented. Obs: Indicates that an observation (reflecting the dependent variable) is made. : Indicates that nothing occurs during a particular time period. Exp: Indicates a previous experience ( an independent variable) that some participants have had and others have not; the experience has not been one that the researcher could control.

17 Pre-Experimental Designs  Design 1: One-shot experimental case study GroupTime Group1TxObs  Design 2: One-group pretest-posttest design GroupTime Group1ObsTxObs

18 GroupTime Random assignment Group1ObsTxObs Group2Obs True Experimental Designs (1)  Design 4: Pretest-posttest control group design  Design 5: Solomon focus-group design GroupTime Random assignment Group1ObsTxObs Group2Obs Group3TxObs Group4Obs

19 GroupTime Random assignment Group1TxObs Group2Obs True Experimental Designs (2)  Design 6: Posttest-only control group design

20 Quasi-Experimental Designs GroupTime Group1ObsTxObs Group2Obs  Design 8: Nonrandomized control group pretest-posttest design

21 Factorial Designs  Design 15: Randomized two-factor design GroupTime Treatment related to the two variables may occur simultaneously or sequentially Treatment related to Variable 2 Group1Tx 1 Tx 2 Obs Group2Tx 1 Obs Group3Tx 2 Obs Group4Obs

22 Inferential Statistics (1)  Estimating population parameters(1)  Inferential statistics can show how closely the sample statistics approximate parameters of the overall population.  The sample is randomly chosen and representative of the total population.  The means we might obtain from an infinite number of samples form a normal distribution.  The mean of the distribution of the sample means is equal to the mean of the population from which the sample shave been drawn.  The standard deviation of the distribution of sample means is directly related to the standard deviation of the characteristic in question for the overall population.

23 Inferential Statistics (2)  Testing Hypotheses (1)  Research hypothesis vs. statistical hypothesis  Statistical hypothesis testing: comparing the distribution of data collected by a researcher with an ideal, or hypothetical distribution - significance level/alpha (α): e.g.,.05,.01 - statistically significant - reject the null hypothesis

24 Inferential Statistics (3)  Testing Hypotheses (2)  Making errors in hypothesis testing - Type 1 error: alpha error - Type 2 error: beta error

25 Inferential Statistics (4)  Testing Hypotheses (3)  Making errors in hypothesis testing -Increase the power of a statistical test 1) Use as large a sample size as is reasonably possible 2) Maximize the validity and reliability of your measures. 3) Use parametric rather than non parametric statistics whenever possible. - Whenever we test more than one statistical hypothesis, we increase the probability of making at least one Type 1 error.

26 Inferential Statistics (5)  Examples of inferential statistical procedures Parametric statisticsNonparametric statistics Students’ t testSign test Analysis of variance (ANOVA) Mann-Whitney U RegressionKruskal-Wallis U Factor analysisWilcoxon matched-pair signed rank test Structural equation modeling (SEM) Chi-square goodness- of-fit test Odds ratio Fisher’s exact test

27 Inferential Statistics (6)  Example of reporting a test of a statistical hypothesis: Percentage means and standard deviations are contained in Table 1. A significant main effect was found on the test of learning outcomes, F(1, 97) = 9.88, p <.05, MS error = 190.51. Participants given the educational game scored significantly higher (mean =91.5%) than participants who were not given the game (mean=71.2%).

28 Your Task (This has already been emailed to you.) 1.Finish watching my pre-recorded presentation introducing quantitative research methods first. 2.Launch your Excel from last week. “Save as” with a new title. 3.Compute a t statistic from the data set emailed to you. Follow my video tutorial. 4.Email your spreadsheet to me as an attachment. (You do not have to finish this evening, but I expect most will.)

29 This is meant as a class activity. It is not a graded activity. If you get stuck and become totally frustrated, stop and send me what you have.

30 To do list Follow the Course Learning Plan!

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