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Copyright © Tulsa Public Schools 2011 © 2012, Tulsa Public Schools The Tulsa Model TLE Observation and Evaluation System / Process EVALUATOR TRAINING –

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © Tulsa Public Schools 2011 © 2012, Tulsa Public Schools The Tulsa Model TLE Observation and Evaluation System / Process EVALUATOR TRAINING –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © Tulsa Public Schools 2011 © 2012, Tulsa Public Schools The Tulsa Model TLE Observation and Evaluation System / Process EVALUATOR TRAINING – 2012 – Segment 3 Observation+ and Evaluation

2 Achieving 100% A little mathematics might prove helpful. If… A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z are represented as: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Then… 2

3 Achieving 100% K N O W L E D G E 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96% 3

4 Achieving 100% K N O W L E D G E 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96% H A R D W O R K 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98% 4

5 Achieving 100% K N O W L E D G E 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96% H A R D W O R K 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%But, A T T I T U D E 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100% 5

6 Importance of Each and Every Slide… 6 Each slide represents an EQUALLY important component of the Tulsa Model system and process. One missing component can derail the process.

7 Tulsa Model Evaluation System Observations Evaluations Conferences Feedback / Support 7

8 Tulsa Model Evaluation System Description Rubric Provides the narrative definitions of professional proficiency (effectiveness) for all 5 rankings. A matrix structure provides clarity and specificity for the 20 Indicators that impact student performance. 12345 IneffectiveNeeds Improvement EffectiveHighly EffectiveSuperior NOT in Evidence >>> Efficacy in Effectiveness Achieved 8

9 Rubric, Observation and Evaluation Teachers Counselors Deans School Development Teachers School Nurses School Psychologists Speech-Language Pathologists 9

10 Teacher Staff Development Teacher Counselor Dean Nurse Speech-Lang Path / School Psychologist Classroom Management 6 / 30% Management and Organization 4 / 30% Counselor Center Management 3 / 20% Organization and Management 4 / 25% Program Management 4 / 35% Organization and Management 4 / 30% Instructional Effectiveness 10 / 50% Instructional Effectiveness 3 / 30% School Counseling Effectiveness 5 / 30% Instructional Support 2 / 25% Instructional Skills 1 / 10% Instructional Support 5 / 45% --- Prof. Services 3 / 35% --- Professional Growth / Continuous Improvement 2 / 10% Professional Growth / Continuous Improvement 2 / 10% Professional Growth / Continuous Improvement 2 / 10% Professional Growth / Continuous Improvement 2 / 10% Professional Growth / Continuous Improvement 2 / 10% Professional Growth / Continuous Improvement 2 / 10% Interpersonal Skills 1 / 5% Interpersonal Skills 1/ 15% Interpersonal Skills 2 / 20% Interpersonal Skills 3 / 30% Interpersonal Skills 1 / 5% Interpersonal Skills 1 / 10% Leadership 1 / 5% Leadership 1 / 15% Leadership 2 / 20% Leadership 1 / 10% Leadership 1 / 5% Leadership 1 / 5% 2011 14 12 12 13 10

11 Tulsa Model Evaluation System Description Observation+ Process The Observation scores reflect the principal's intentional study of the teacher’s classroom performance plus an assessment of all inclusive factors specified in the Rubric up to a given point in time. Observations and the Observation Form are the foundations to the Evaluation. Is guided by the rubric. A minimum of two (2) observations are required before every evaluation. 11

12 Tulsa Model Evaluation System Description (cont.) Evaluation Form Web-based or paper-based. Your choice. Conferences Follow every observation and evaluation. Customized Feedback and Support Focusing the most intensive supports for 1 (“Ineffective”) and 2 (“Needs Improvement”). 12

13 Observation+ Process The Observation scores reflect the principal's intentional study of the teacher’s classroom performance plus an assessment of all inclusive factors specified in the Rubric up to a given point in time. 13 It is the sum total of the instructional value that a Teacher brings to his/her students.

14 Observation+ Process Observations and the Observation Form serve as the precursors (foundations) to the Evaluation. Is guided by the Rubric. A minimum of two (2) observations are required before every evaluation. 14

15 Observation+ Process 13 of the 20 Indicators are commonly apparent in a classroom observation: From the Domain of Classroom Management: 15 1Teacher plans for delivery of the lesson relative to short-term and long-term objectives. 2Teacher clearly defines expected behavior. 5Teacher acknowledges student progress and uses assessment practices that are fair and based on identified criteria. 6Teacher optimizes the learning environment through respectful and appropriate interactions with students, conveying high expectations for students and an enthusiasm for the curriculum.

16 Observation+ Process 13 of the 20 Indicators are commonly apparent in a classroom observation: From the Domain of Instructional Effectiveness: 16 7Teacher embeds the components of literacy into all instructional content. 9Teacher uses active learning, questioning techniques and/or guided practices to involve all students. 10Teacher teaches the objectives through a variety of methods. 11Teacher gives directions that are clearly stated and relate to the learning objectives. 12Teacher demonstrates / models the desired skill or process. 13Teacher checks to determine if students are progressing toward stated objectives. 14Teacher changes instruction based on the results of monitoring. 15Teacher summarizes and fits into context what has been taught. 16Effective development and use of modified assessments and curriculum for special education students and other students experiencing difficulties in learning.

17 Observation+ Process 17

18 Teacher Observation Form 18 2012 -2013 TLE Observation Form

19 Roll up your sleeves… 19 2

20 Rubric Converted to Observation Form Observation Form retains the Effectiveness Level of 3, but uses (-) if less than effective or (+) if exceeds effectiveness. 20

21 Teacher Observation Form 21

22 Completing the Form… a CONVERSATION On the Observation Form, Tulsa uses a coding system of “-” for Ineffective or Needs Improvement; “3” for Effective; “+” for Highly Effective or Superior; “NO” for Not Observed; “NA” for Not Applicable. Plus comments. Districts can opt to use ALL rankings, e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, NO, or NA. Plus comments. What advantages and/or disadvantages can you see in using one option or the other on the Observation Form? 22

23 Teacher’s Observation Form Bottom of page 1 Top of page 2 1 2 23

24 A CAUTION that needs to be repeated and reinforced throughout the Segments The Tulsa Model was approved by the OSDE and must be followed as written. Specifically, material or substantive alteration to the Model is not permitted. 24

25 Switching Gears 25

26 Observation+ to the Evaluation Observations and the Observation Form serve as the precursors (foundations) to the Evaluation. Is guided by the Rubric. A minimum of two (2) observations are required before every evaluation. 26

27 Artifact File or Portfolio On a voluntary basis, an Educator may wish to provide additional evidence of effectiveness in the form of a portfolio or artifact file / binder for purposes of INFORMING the Evaluator of additional involvements, contributions and activities in support of improving student performance and achievement. 27

28 Roll up your sleeves… 28 3

29 Teacher Evaluation Form 29

30 Teacher Evaluation Form 30

31 Teacher Evaluation Form Ranges were needed to define the Rankings. 31

32 Ranges were needed to define Rankings FromToRanking Less than 1.8Ineffective Equal to or greater than 1.8 Less than 2.8Needs Improvement Equal to or greater than 2.8 Less than 3.8Effective Equal to or greater than 3.8 Less than 4.8Highly Effective Equal to or greater than 4.8 Superior 32

33 Requirements of the Evaluation Form 1.Any ranking of 1 or 2 on any component (an individual Indicator) of this Evaluation requires a Personal Development Plan (PDP), following the prescribed format and conferencing on same. 2.Any ranking of 4 or 5 on any component (an individual Indicator) requires “summary” narrative comments under Evaluator Comments on the Evaluation Form. 33

34 Struggling with Narratives for 4 and 5 SPECIAL NOTE… Evaluators should not struggle with the concept of providing positive “summary narrative comments” for the award of a 4 or a 5. In the majority of situations the EXACT language from the Rubric cell under the columns of 4 or 5 can be inserted as the confirming statement, e.g., Mrs. Diveley “has initiated important activities that contribute to the profession, such as her mentoring of new teachers, her writing of an ASCD article and she has conducted presentations before the Board of Education.” This was taken directly from Domain: Leadership, Indicator 20, Rating of 5. 34

35 Observation / Evaluation Process Fidelity If an Evaluator BEGINS the process, then that SAME Evaluator conducts all steps along the way including the summative Evaluation. There is no hand-off between Observations or between the Observations and the Evaluation. If that occurs the entire process must begin again. 35

36 Technology Choices Basic Word and Excel-based platform with support resources, including a teacher video library Or, a Web-based system with reporting and support resources, including a teacher video library 36 K-12 Teacher Evaluation Software

37 What We Have Learned… 1.The Rubric drives all subsequent actions… Observations, Evaluations, Feedback and Support Opportunities and Conferences. 2.The TLE Process cannot be interrupted by a change in Evaluator. 3.There are technology choices from Word / Excel-based to Web-based platforms. 37

38 Questions and Next Segment… The 4 th Segment of Evaluator Information File: PP4 Conferences and PDPs GS Topic: Conferences, Push Pins, PDPs 38

39 For more information: Office of Teacher and Leader Effectiveness 918-746-6800 Tulsa Framework:; left column: Teacher and Leader Effectiveness; Scroll to Frameworks; Tulsa Framework Talia Shaull – Jana Burk – Katy Ackley – Gene S. Kleindienst - 39

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