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Computing for Research I Spring 2012 Exploratory Data Analysis and Hypothesis Testing February 21 Primary Instructor: Elizabeth Garrett-MAyer.

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Presentation on theme: "Computing for Research I Spring 2012 Exploratory Data Analysis and Hypothesis Testing February 21 Primary Instructor: Elizabeth Garrett-MAyer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computing for Research I Spring 2012 Exploratory Data Analysis and Hypothesis Testing February 21 Primary Instructor: Elizabeth Garrett-MAyer

2 Exploratory Data Analysis We’ve already discussed some basic stuff – sum and sum, detail – tab What other sorts of exploration might we do? Confidence intervals – for continuous variables – for categorical variables

3 Immediate command for CIs Continuous: cii N xbar s Binary: cii N phat or cii N x

4 Confidence intervals For a continuous variable: mean varlist Example: * estimate means of ceramide variables mean c18ceramide mean totalc - s1pc1

5 Additional options tab initialre initial mean c18ceramide, over(initialre) mean c18ceramide, vce(bootstr) mean c18ceramide, vce(bootstr) over(initialre) mean c18ceramide, over(initialre) mean c18ceramide, level(90)

6 Confidence intervals for proportion proportion varlist Examples proportion failure proportion failure death initialre proportion failure, vce(bootstr) proportion failure, cluster(patient) proportion failure, level(90)

7 Hypothesis Testing A number of different approaches Options – nonparametric vs. parametric – continuous vs. categorical (vs. other?) – one vs. two vs. more than two groups

8 One sample t-tests ttesti N mean sd null ttest varname == null ttest var1 == var2 *paired Examples: ttesti 20 48 2.75 50 ttest c18c == 10 ttest frombaselines1p==100 ttest frombaselinec18==100

9 Two sample t-tests ttesti N1 mean1 sd1 N2 mean2 sd2 ttest varname1 == varname2, unpaired ttest varname, by(groupvar) Examples: ttest c18, by(sex) ttest c18, by(sex) unequal

10 Nonparametric? ranksum : two group comparison kwallis : >= two group comparison signrank : matched pairs signed ranks test signtest : sign test of matched pairs

11 Nonparametric? *nonparametric tests ranksum c18, by(sex) kwallis c18, by(sex) use ceramide.alldata, clear keep if cycle==3 gen c18dif = frombaselinec18-100 signrank c18dif=0 signrank frombaselinec18=100 signtest c18dif=0 signtest frombaselinec18=100

12 Anova anova y x (note that x is assumed to be categorical) anova y x1 x2 Examples: anova c18c initialre

13 One sample binomial tests prtest and bitest Difference? – prtest uses large sample approximations – bitest uses exact test bitest varname==p0 bitesti N x p0

14 One sample binomial tests use "SCBC2004.v9.dta", clear replace ercat=. if ercat==9 gen ercatn=cond(ercat==2,0,1) replace ercatn=. if ercat==. tab ercat ercatn bitest ercatn=0.50 bitest ercatn=0.65 prtest ercatn=0.65

15 Two (or more) sample binomial tests tab y x, exact tab y x, chi tab ercatn grade tab ercatn stage

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