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Lessons learned from experience: case studies Inclusive Employment Title: Towards Income Generating Activities (TIGA II) Countries: Cambodia Specific thematic:

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Presentation on theme: "Lessons learned from experience: case studies Inclusive Employment Title: Towards Income Generating Activities (TIGA II) Countries: Cambodia Specific thematic:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lessons learned from experience: case studies Inclusive Employment Title: Towards Income Generating Activities (TIGA II) Countries: Cambodia Specific thematic: Small Grant Mechanism for Inclusive Services Presented by: OL Soveasna

2 Description of the good practices Welcomed by many services providers and local authorities. A complete approach to bring change in: Policy Person Service Sustainable – Service provider is owner. It is a low cost project.

3 Measures taken to overcome obstacles ObstaclesMeasuresResults Main vocational training centres are running by the government. Include state vocational training centres into the programme. Vocational training centres participated and adapted their services for people with disabilities. The larger service providers, the more process needed. Contact top level management at headquarter instead of those in targeted areas. It works but the project has to add few additional processes; i.e. policy assessment must be done at HQ. Some service providers are running with support from donors. Make sure they have current implementing project with at least one more year to go. Some service providers are rejected after assessment their application.

4 Measures taken to overcome obstacles ObstaclesMeasuresResults Diversity of the service providers – nature of organization and type of activties Develop more personalised tools such as assessment tools, training materials,… Big number of interested service providers to work with Split them into small batch by their services and level of commitment; impact on people with disabilities More manageable for the team to provide more quality training and coaching to service providers.

5 Number of stakeholders you can reach Information Awareness Training Advocacy Coaching It is possible to reach a larger number of stakeholders with information, but you cannot expect a sustainable change in their practices and policies.

6 Impact in sustainable change of practice and policies Coaching Advocacy Training Awareness Info Advocacy for changing of practices and policies for an organization to truly eliminate barriers takes coaching over a period of time and involves selecting one or two partners, but the impact will be more sustainable.

7 The most significant changes “We require funding from HI to build the facilities in BSDA to be suitable and accessible to all people including the disabled persons and older people in community. This will also mean that our training programs will be attractive to them. To help them come out of their abject poverty and hence avoid being discriminated, the disabled persons need to be able to be self sufficient by getting proper training”. Mr SAY Sokhoeun, Project Coordinator, Budhism for Social Development Action (BSDA) Change of staff attitude toward people with disabilities.

8 How to duplicate or develop these practices? To duplicate or replicate the project, please make sure: o Human resources : you need both disability and accessibility officer. o Assessment tools and standard : to assess the gap based on an approved or applicable local accessibility standard. o A clear process from A to Z o Indicators : it needs more than scoring system to measure changes. o Communication : stay close with media for promotion of the mechanism and aware people with disabilities of new opportunities they may get. o Information of people with disabilities o Set up a grant management committee

9 Summary of Key Points The complete approach to inclusive services. It needs to have disability and accessibility officers to work together all the time. Sustainability of service providers is also a criteria of selection. It will be better if the project goes along with other interventions/initiations.

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