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Word Splash pattern Base 10 number system product multiple.

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Presentation on theme: "Word Splash pattern Base 10 number system product multiple."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Splash pattern Base 10 number system product multiple

2 Multiplication Patterns

3 I Multiplication PatternsWord Bank Key Concepts Illustration

4 Multiplication Patterns 0bjective 4.6B The student is expected to: Use patterns to multiply by 10 and 100.

5 Word Bank X Patterns base 10 # system multiple factorpattern product

6 Vocabulary base 10 number system – another name for the decimal number system that we use every day factor – a number that is multiplied by another number to find a product product – the answer to a multiplication problem multiple – the product of a given number and any whole number pattern – a regularly-repeated arrangement of numbers, letters, or shapes, etc.

7 X Patterns NumberX 10X 100

8 I Multiplication PatternsWord Bank Key ConceptsIllustration Create a 5 sentence story using 3 Word Bank words Illustrate your story using 3 or more colors & give it a background

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