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Presented by Hamide Karlik Gamze Vural MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Hamide Karlik Gamze Vural MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES."— Presentation transcript:

1 presented by Hamide Karlik Gamze Vural MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES

2 The theory of multiple intelligences was proposed by Howard Gardner in 1983 as a model of intelligence that differentiates intelligence into various specific (primarily sensory) modalities, rather than seeing it as dominated by a single general ability.

3 Logical-mathematical Linquistic Musical Spatial Bodily-kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic

4 People with strengths in this area are good at thinking mathematical and analytical processes.

5 People with strengths in this area are good by using each language.

6 People with strengths in this area have the capacity to communicate and create the dialog with consideration sound.

7 People with strengths in this area have facility in transforming and creating visual images that connect their understanding of their world.

8 People with strengths in this area are using muscular and other body systems to respond to situations and to solve problems.

9 People with strenghts in this area are good at recognizing and responding the feelings and motivations of others.

10 People with strenghts in this area try to understand their own capacity and attitude by facing with different situations.

11 People with strenghts in this area are especially good at making interferences based on classification features in physical world.

12 1.I can play a musical instrument 2.I like to mediate 3.I enjoy logic puzzles such as sudoku 4.When talking to someone, I tend to listen to the words they use not just what they mean 5.I find budgeting and managing my money easy 6.I find it easy to remember quotes or phrases 7.I like to think through a problem carefully, considering all the consequences 8.I enjoy debates and discussions 9.I love adrenaline sports and scary rides 10.At school I loved music lessons 11. I prefer team sports 12.I never get lost when I am on my own in a new place 13.I am happy spending time alone 14.I often see clear images when I close my eyes 15.I don’t use my fingers when I count


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