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Paleopalynolo gy By: Group 5 Analisa Ramnarine Ronny Rahman.

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Presentation on theme: "Paleopalynolo gy By: Group 5 Analisa Ramnarine Ronny Rahman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paleopalynolo gy By: Group 5 Analisa Ramnarine Ronny Rahman

2 Panga ea  Supercontinent  Triassic Period.  Mixed mesophytic forest  China to the middle section of the North American continent.


4 Mixed Mesophytic Forest Grown in/ adapted to a moist environment. Fossil bed in Idaho is a result of the forest, and has left behind remains of plant and animal species Grown in/ adapted to a moist environment. Fossil bed in Idaho is a result of the forest, and has left behind remains of plant and animal species

5 Purpose  To separate pollen, spores and remains of once living organisms  No Hydrofluoric Acid  To match the pollen and spores to their original

6 Materials. Clay. Hydrogen peroxide. Computer. Hyposodium Chlorite. Distilled water. Meshed screen (300). Electric scale. Microscope. Filter. Mortar and pestle. Glacial Acetic Acid. Pipettes. Glycerin. Slides/ cover slips. Glycerin. Sodium Hydroxide. Hydrochloric Acid. Test tubes

7 Protocol And Analysis #1  Mortar and pestle 300 mesh screen  1 part hydrochloric Acid to.2g clay  4 part glacial acetic acid to.2g clay  Add a drop of the diluted acid to slide + clay.  Observe under microscope

8 Protocol And Analysis #1  Mortar and pestle 300 mesh screen  1 part hydrochloric Acid to.2g clay  4 part glacial acetic acid to.2g clay  Add a drop of the diluted acid to slide + clay.  Observe under microscope  Not very useful  Glacial acetic acid attacks anything with calcium in it

9 Protocol And Analysis # 2  3% hydrogen peroxide added to the 300 mesh screened clay  pipette to add a few drops of the diluted acid to the slide

10 Protocol And Analysis # 2  3% hydrogen peroxide added to the 300 mesh screened clay  pipette to add a few drops of the diluted acid to the slide  hydrogen peroxide did not change much

11 Protocol # 3 Trial 1Trial 2 Add 35 drops of glacial acetic acidAdd 35 drops of Sodiumhypo Chlorite Set time limits of 5 min/30 min/45 min/ 1 hour/ 1 day Dilute with tap water Filter, then let it air dry over night. Add a small amount of the treated clay to two clean slides. Use a pipette to add 1 drop of distilled water to one slides, and 2 drop of glycerin to the other.

12 Analysis # 3  Same broken pieces of barrels and pollen in slides  Chemicals did not destroy pollen, but the mortar and pestle

13 Protocol And Analysis #4  Clay from the block + a drop or two, of distilled water unto the slide.  Place a cover slip on it and observe under microscope.

14 Protocol And Analysis #4  Clay from the block + a drop or two, of distilled water unto the slide.  Place a cover slip on it and observe under microscope.  Simple and easy to do  so many preserved parts of organisms and pollen that we have captured






















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